If it's not displaying ohm's then it appears you're right with the connection pin, first 2 options I would try if it was mine:
1: seal the 510 pin but don't push it down too hard, pop the boro with atty in and screw it down but not tight, leave it to set and try it.
2: not ideal but add a little solder to the pin, file it down as you don't want a large blob, it's something I would try though I'm not sure how long it would last.
There's a couple of other things I would try as I'm sure I would get the bugger working one way or another, a small enough o-ring if you can find one to pop under the connection pin housing or tiny brass shim soldered to the pin.
This is all based on if it's not making a connection, be 100% sure it's screwing down all the way and not a problem with the top thread, if you remove the boro and screw in the top piece it should have a gap of 36.2mm from connection to base of the top threaded piece.
The pin should protrude 0.5mm if you have a vernier caliper.