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Constant Burnt Taste. No Matter What..


Jan 25, 2014
Hey again, I have but a little issue and its starting to bug me...

I am constantly getting what seems like a burnt taste after every 3 - 4 draws. I know this subject is done to death online but I can't seem to figure out what it could be, heres is my situation:

Vaping Squid Ink like its going out of fashion, the stuff is beyond moreish and its my ADV.

I have

2 x Kanger Protank Mini 2's
1 x Kanger AeroTank
2 x Kanger EVOD's

After a few draws using any of these clearomisers I am getting what seems like a burnt taste. Its frustrating as out of all the liquids I got this is the one I always want to use.

I've changed coils in all of the clearomisers and the same thing happens again after a while. I've opened the coils and inspected but everything seems fine. Cleaned a few and left them to dry for some hours, a quick dry burn and the coils all light up evenly so no hot spots.

I've cleaned all 3 tanks more then a few times and even using an ultrasonic cleaner but this don't seem to solve the issue. So now I am kind of at a lose.

I also have got 2 iClear 16's that I want to use for work and these seem fine, although I have not used Squid Ink in these yet.

My girlfriend also vapes and she claims not to be able to taste what I can. But it is very apparent between us that our taste for juice is far far different.

So the last thing on my mind is that, is there such a thing as 'Having too much of a good thing' when it comes to juice, and to perhaps give it a break for a bit.

I am now tempted to put all my tanks into some vodka to see if this will help with the taste in case it has something to do with the Kanger products being SS (except the EVOD, but I tipped the juice from my Protank into the EVOD so not to waste it). Just to clarify though, I never had this issue up until a few days ago.

Hope someone can help me out. Not wanting to waste all I've invested in clearomisers etc in the past 3 weeks would be gutting.

Thanks again POTV!
You don't say what battery/mod you're using these on. Sounds like you may be running at too high a voltage.
Yeah that would of helped. Using a Vamo V5. All coils are 1.8ohm but show usually around 1.9-2.1. I don't vape no higher then 4v.
Burnt taste usually suggests two main possible causes.. too high a wattage or insufficient wicking.

The wattage range you're using seems reasonable, so it sounds like it's an issue with wicking. Is the liquid you are using VG heavy/ particularly 'gloopy'?

Thicker consistency of e-liquid can mean it doesn't wick as well as E-liquid with a lower viscosity.

Have you tried using a juice with a lower viscosity at all?

edit to add :

It's also possible that the replacement heads you are using could be a 'duff' batch. If the coils are wrapped too tightly on the wicks, this might be causing the wicking to be restricted too?
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As mentioned above, can only be caused by 2 things, vaping at too high a voltage and thus "burning" the juice.

At 4v this shouldnt be the issue so must be a wicking issue.

could be a dodgy head or your ejuice is too thick, common with juices with high VG content.

Change your head and go with a higher PG solution
Again thanks for the tips. I did think it may be an issue wicking. I just pulled all the coils apart and the flavour wicks are black assuming this is caramelisation so I burnt them under a blue flame to clean them up. I'm using Squid Ink from Kraken and although I'm not sure in the exact ratio the bottle does state it has a higher PG value the VG. Just slapped a spanking new coil in my EVOD and it's tasting great. So going to start to rewick my older heads. By chance does anyone know what size silica the 2 flavour wicks are in the kanger coils?
anthonyb. Thanks for that link. I do watch Todd's reviews I'll have a look and try the cotton. What effect can it have on leaks though? Just curious as I'll be carrying these around with me from time to time.
anthonyb. Thanks for that link. I do watch Todd's reviews I'll have a look and try the cotton. What effect can it have on leaks though? Just curious as I'll be carrying these around with me from time to time.

I've been running a mini protank with a cotton wick for two weeks now(as a test) on a daily basis. And so far I've had no leaks.
I'm also using Rico DK cotton and the other Rico stuff from hobbycraft. That I saw beening used on Vapertrails tv. In other coils, although the later is not so easy to get through the coil.
i have this issue as well with my evod hmm weird i have the leaking like u with the evod and the burnt taste i use 2.4ohm and i cant go above 4volt without burnt taste thats only 5watt power i dont even use my evod anymore cuz of it 2.4ohm should be able to go up to 4.5volt easily! but thats not the case im limited to 4volt with 2.4ohm its just not enough vapor for me how did u fix this problem? and in ur other post how did u fix the leak problem i have both of these problems on my evoc bcc as well..
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