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CoolFire Ultra-Scion Tank, am I doing it wrong?

If I had vaped at 70 watts 4 days in my lungs would have been on the rug

Sound advice above take your time and find a comfortable level in wattage mode and find out what you're comfortable with

I started on a MTL (mouth to lung) set up which in my opinion is where every new vapour should start

At the start it's just about staying of the cigs so a nice simple set up that delivers the consistent amount of nicotine you need to get through the early stages of quitting

Your body will take time to adjust from quitting smoking and your lungs will start to clear themselves out and that takes time

Get yourself a MTL tank that replicates the way you smoke, I started on 18mg nicotine with a K1 tank going between 9 and 12 watts

This really helped me get through the hardest stages i then worked down the strengths to 9mg and then 6mg

When I hit the 6mg (about a month in) I moved onto DTL (direct to lung) vaping

I know everyone's journey is different but my advice would be to forget worrying about vapour production and what wattage you're vaping at, there's plenty time for that

Just ensure you can get through a month without touching a cigarette and from there you can focus on getting down to a lower nic level and also that you are enjoying the way you vape

In that time frame your lungs will be a lot clearer and you'll have a better grasp of what you like in your vape

Use the time to read watch and learn as much as you can about vaping to ensure long term it keeps you away from the cigs

Like I said everyone's different and what I have described here is what I did, that doesn't necessarily mean it works best for everyone but if anyone asked me for advice on the best way to go about making the switch this is what I'd advise

I smoked for 20 years and doing the above has kept me off the cigs from day one

Hope something I've said here helps and good luck

You're in the right place for plenty of advice and support plenty of very good people more than happy to give advice on any situation you'll find yourself in along the way

Oh aye and welcome to the planet
Ok, just did some quick Google-fu, are you sure those are SS coils and not Kanthal? Can only see reference to Kanthal 0.28 coils - if they are Kanthal, they're for power/wattage mode only. The only other thing I can think is that you're vaping mouth to lung. Are you breathing the vapour directly into your lungs? The sub tanks are more suited to that style of vaping.

Hi Leni, cheers.. yes they are Kanthal, I might have been getting confused.. So they're not ss? There's Ni, Ti and SS but that's on temp mode for those.. so I just stick with wattage mode?
& Yeah I let it sit in my mouth for a second before I take the smoke back in to my lungs, just the same as smoking really
i personally have tried the tfv8 and the limitless XL and cloud chucking is imo a waste of time especially now the majority of people only have 2ml tanks.
highest ive been is 150watt and as you say a split second and it burns your lips and eats juice like there is no tomorrow.
ive got 9 crown tanks on the go and the coils can handle upto 120watt and im quite happy with them at 50-60w max. great flavor great cloud and i dont have to fill up every 15 minutes and the coils last a lot longer.

now your saying your not getting much cloud. at 48w you should be getting plenty.
as Leni asked, what juice is it and what juice ratio VG/PG. the higher the VG it will be bigger clouds.

I'm using 70% HiVG vapourlites liquids, I got those with the kit as it was on offer.. My friend has recommended Dragons Breath or something, that's 80% VG.
If I had vaped at 70 watts 4 days in my lungs would have been on the rug

Sound advice above take your time and find a comfortable level in wattage mode and find out what you're comfortable with

I started on a MTL (mouth to lung) set up which in my opinion is where every new vapour should start

At the start it's just about staying of the cigs so a nice simple set up that delivers the consistent amount of nicotine you need to get through the early stages of quitting

Your body will take time to adjust from quitting smoking and your lungs will start to clear themselves out and that takes time

Get yourself a MTL tank that replicates the way you smoke, I started on 18mg nicotine with a K1 tank going between 9 and 12 watts

This really helped me get through the hardest stages i then worked down the strengths to 9mg and then 6mg

When I hit the 6mg (about a month in) I moved onto DTL (direct to lung) vaping

I know everyone's journey is different but my advice would be to forget worrying about vapour production and what wattage you're vaping at, there's plenty time for that

Just ensure you can get through a month without touching a cigarette and from there you can focus on getting down to a lower nic level and also that you are enjoying the way you vape

In that time frame your lungs will be a lot clearer and you'll have a better grasp of what you like in your vape

Use the time to read watch and learn as much as you can about vaping to ensure long term it keeps you away from the cigs

Like I said everyone's different and what I have described here is what I did, that doesn't necessarily mean it works best for everyone but if anyone asked me for advice on the best way to go about making the switch this is what I'd advise

I smoked for 20 years and doing the above has kept me off the cigs from day one

Hope something I've said here helps and good luck

You're in the right place for plenty of advice and support plenty of very good people more than happy to give advice on any situation you'll find yourself in along the way

Oh aye and welcome to the planet

Hey Sp3cky, I definitely need to take my time.. I did vape about 6 years back but that was the standard 'cigarette-look a like' vapes, my oh my it's all changed lol

I've only used it 4 days but it has helped me cut down a lot already, I've gone from having around 12-20 a day (depending on how stressful work is ha) to having around 2-4 a day so that's great already.. It's just stopping the morning cigarette that I'm going to struggle with but I don't even know how much tobacco I have left and I'm not even bothered so I've got off to a positive start. I'm just thinking maybe I should have got a couple different strength liquids to test them instead of just 6mg so I may purchase a 9 next and see how that works for me. I've done my throat in a little bit, maybe that's due to smoking and vaping at the same time, or simply because I've been constantly trying different settings and 2 different tanks but I'll find out what suits me eventually I guess. Your reply has helped and I'm extremely greatful that you, Leni and DJ have took the time to reply and help.

And thank you, I'm happy to be here :)
so you are mouth to lung on 6mg with a kanthal coil in wattage mode.

for mouth to lung i started on 18mg with 50/50 juice at 14watts and gave up overnight after a 37 year habit.
3 or 6mg with higher VG is more for cloud chasers who are direct to lung sub ohming so might be an idea to try some higher nic juice at lower wattage.

if you want to try some 50/50 then check out Simons link on post 7 of this list POTV Vendors & Recommended E Liquid Suppliers
so you are mouth to lung on 6mg with a kanthal coil in wattage mode.

for mouth to lung i started on 18mg with 50/50 juice at 14watts and gave up overnight after a 37 year habit.
3 or 6mg with higher VG is more for cloud chasers who are direct to lung sub ohming so might be an idea to try some higher nic juice at lower wattage.

if you want to try some 50/50 then check out Simons link on post 7 of this list POTV Vendors & Recommended E Liquid Suppliers

Cheers DJ, I'll give that a go when I get more liquid. I got my settings alright for the Scion tank but I swapped coils on my Nato 22, primed it and left it longer this time, put it down to 10w and it's perfect now, I may have burnt out my first coil. I'm getting a nice hit, good flavour and a bit more cloud but I'm just happy about getting the flavour and actually finding the right settings.
glad to hear you got it sorted.
depending where you live there might be a decent B&M bricks and mortar vape shop that you can test different flavors. quite a lot use pen types but there are a few that have proper tanks so you can get the true flavor.
glad to hear you got it sorted.
depending where you live there might be a decent B&M bricks and mortar vape shop that you can test different flavors. quite a lot use pen types but there are a few that have proper tanks so you can get the true flavor.

Just checked, none here I'm afraid. I'm in England, Manchester - Oldham. We are quite limited to shops, I mean we have shops but they're not official.. just random shops that sell cheap liquids etc. so I tend to order online most of the time.
We have a 'VIP' store, a couple close by.. that's about as 'official' as it gets and I find them overpriced.
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