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Coronavirus UK Daily Statistics

Im sick of it.... go here, don't go there, hurry back from there....do this, don't do that.... wear this here, but no there.... fk off.
The virus has burnt itself out, sure more folks are infected, but they are not too ill or requiring Hospitalisation.
It's weakened, there is no need for this regional lockdown shit.
People don't know what they're supposed to be doing. I had to see a doctor this morning. Poor older woman came in and had a look of terror on her face and almost ran out. Came back in a few minutes later with a mask on. My mum phoned me not long ago and shes been told by a friend she's allowed to visit me because she was part of my extended household. Looker that up and it turns out she was right. Insanity.
There was a french medical person on GMB this morning saying we're only a few weeks behind them and they've seen cases rising and been recording around 10,000 cases per day now and deaths are rising accordingly.
Didn't catch it properly as was getting ready for work but that was the gist of it.
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