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Coronavirus UK Daily Statistics

I was watching politics Scotland earlier and I was sure Jason Leitch said it was over 3k.was there another day that was lately?

There was a french medical person on GMB this morning saying we're only a few weeks behind them and they've seen cases rising and been recording around 10,000 cases per day now and deaths are rising accordingly.
Didn't catch it properly as was getting ready for work but that was the gist of it.
It's hard, both France and Spain have been messing about with their figures to such a degree it's hard to follow ......... but neither seem to be showing that much so far?


Except Spain deaths shot up on the 4th.


ADDED: there's here too:

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It absolutely is - but look at the corresponding deaths graph? Dunno ............. :hmm:

It's the youngsters catching it, so I read, so who gets locked down? The young people so they don't catch it, survive and pass it on, or the older folks, so they don't die or have hideous lung and other long term health problems, going forward?
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