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Coronavirus UK Daily Statistics

The mortality rate has always been estimated at 1-2%. The mortality rate is the percentage of people with confirmed cases of Covid that die. The only reason it was at 10-15% earlier in the year is that the only people who could get tests were in hospitals - so those who were the most unwell. Most of those with mild cases weren’t able to get a test at the time.

That may be true as the effective test kits were in short supply - I'll agree
but this applies to other countries to like France at the same time when tests were in short supply

At first initial outbreak the deaths were rising fast as the most at risk were effected & death sky rocketed
However - the point being if 2% mortality - well even less and the number of deaths are so much lower atm
The question points to just how many "could" have been infected - even accutely
and thus built up some resistance (short term), which would perhaps point to the fact the mortality atm is so low

BUT the UK has a testing capacity of around 250,000 per day they say...

yet all the stats are a bit squiffy at times
Yesterday there was 4,368 positive cases out of a total of 22,171,979 tests
day before there was 3,899 positive cases out of a total of 21,368,297 tests

So are we to believe that 4,368 positive test results are returned from 803,682 tests ???
(22,171,979-21,368,297) over the 24hrs ???
That is like 0.5% or half a percent positive RESULTS on total tests ???
803,682 x 0.005 = 4,018 say
(and 2% mortality on that test figure is just too low to even bother to calculate)
but UK only seems to have a capacity to test 250k, unless the figures are for the whole weekend test total

Another thing that is bugging me, that France's test figure has remained at EXACTLY 10,000,000 all last week ???
So they conduct these tests, publish like 2 days of 13k positives from zero tests according to the total test figure data
Yeah OK France
& Spain/Sweden is just slinging out any number or no numbers per day, then adjusting it all as they go

So with the test numbers rising, the death total is still quite low
and even if UK does hit 50,000 per DAY then the mortality would be 2% = 1,000 per DAY

IT IS 50,000 per DAY CASES
SO A WEEK LATER 100k cases per DAY
SO A WEEK LATER 200k cases per DAY
(That is 1k deaths per day, then 2k per day, then 4k deaths per day if it continue to double each week)
end of edit ***
(My brain fucking hurts with all these figures)

AND that is IF we get anywhere near 50k cases in mid October
& by accounts 100k next week, 200k the week after

Point being these figures can only be taken with a pinch of salt
but decisions are being made based upon these pinches of salt
estimates or possible "could be" scenarios are being presented
where the data - what is available, is wide open to interpretation
and still then nobody - including me fucking knows,
but I do question if the data is anywhere near accurate,
so how can we trust anybody except our own gut instinct ???

Way way TLDR

POINT BEING, even Sky News last night who love a bit of sensationalism, was being a little sceptical about the figures...

50,000 cases PER DAY, not per week
is 1,000 deaths per day - ultra lockdown
And by the calculations of doubling each week...
2,000 deaths per DAY a week later
4,000 deaths per DAY another week later

Well it is just bollox in my opinion and I think Sky was even thinking that last night too
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Yep, it's more than a bit heartless, and it also implies that somehow the most vulnerable members of our society are not 'in the real world'.

And I suspect it's why many people aren't all that bothered about sticking to the rules?

This is my worry. We’ve got more and more people shifting into the ‘I’m alright. fuck everyone else’ mentality. I get that not everyone sees things my way, but I don’t want to be part of a society where it’s every man for himself, and the most vulnerable people are screwed over because others are selfish, and won’t tolerate some restrictions on their lives for the sake of others.
That may be true as the effective test kits were in short supply - I'll agree
but this applies to other countries to like France at the same time when tests were in short supply

At first initial outbreak the deaths were rising fast as the most at risk were effected & death sky rocketed
However - the point being if 2% mortality - well even less and the number of deaths are so much lower atm
The question points to just how many "could" have been infected - even accutely
and thus built up some resistance (short term), which would perhaps point to the fact the mortality atm is so low

BUT the UK has a testing capacity of around 250,000 per day they say...

yet all the stats are a bit squiffy at times
Yesterday there was 4,368 positive cases out of a total of 22,171,979 tests
day before there was 3,899 positive cases out of a total of 21,368,297 tests

So are we to believe that 4,368 positive test results are returned from 803,682 tests ???
(22,171,979-21,368,297) over the 24hrs ???
That is like 0.5% or half a percent positive RESULTS on total tests ???
803,682 x 0.005 = 4,018 say
(and 2% mortality on that test figure is just too low to even bother to calculate)
but UK only seems to have a capacity to test 250k, unless the figures are for the whole weekend test total

Another thing that is bugging me, that France's test figure has remained at EXACTLY 10,000,000 all last week ???
So they conduct these tests, publish like 2 days of 13k positives from zero tests according to the total test figure data
Yeah OK France
& Spain/Sweden is just slinging out any number or no numbers per day, then adjusting it all as they go

So with the test numbers rising, the death total is still quite low
and even if UK does hit 50,000 per DAY then the mortality would be 2% = 1,000 per DAY

IT IS 50,000 per DAY CASES
SO A WEEK LATER 100k cases per DAY
SO A WEEK LATER 200k cases per DAY
(That is 1k deaths per day, then 2k per day, then 4k deaths per day if it continue to double each week)
end of edit ***
(My brain fucking hurts with all these figures)

AND that is IF we get anywhere near 50k cases in mid October
& by accounts 100k next week, 200k the week after

Point being these figures can only be taken with a pinch of salt
but decisions are being made based upon these pinches of salt
estimates or possible "could be" scenarios are being presented
where the data - what is available, is wide open to interpretation
and still then nobody - including me fucking knows,
but I do question if the data is anywhere near accurate,
so how can we trust anybody except our own gut instinct ???

Way way TLDR

POINT BEING, even Sky News last night who love a bit of sensationalism, was being a little sceptical about the figures...

50,000 cases PER DAY, not per week
is 1,000 deaths per day - ultra lockdown
And by the calculations of doubling each week...
2,000 deaths per DAY a week later
4,000 deaths per DAY another week later

Well it is just bollox in my opinion and I think Sky was even thinking that last night too

the figures numbers do not make any sense I watched some news last night of tests being done in other countries as well as here the nose swab went in 5mm it was just the tip of the nose he was testing there is no level field on doing a test getting a test at all, its just all doom, figures a banded about all the time. the only news i see is this time Boris is doing something before it gets worse what is he doing... beats me.

closing the pub at 10 pm does what? do all covid positive people go to the pub after 10pm this like trying to catch smoke with you bare hands
This is my worry. We’ve got more and more people shifting into the ‘I’m alright. fuck everyone else’ mentality. I get that not everyone sees things my way, but I don’t want to be part of a society where it’s every man for himself, and the most vulnerable people are screwed over because others are selfish, and won’t tolerate some restrictions on their lives for the sake of others.

I see this the poor nurse who gets a dressing down because the patient demands a test though he has no symptoms but he walked past someone who later met someone who may or may not have a cold

"I pay for the NHS I pay a lot of Tax" yeah that works well rectal examination is in order
That may be true as the effective test kits were in short supply - I'll agree
but this applies to other countries to like France at the same time when tests were in short supply

At first initial outbreak the deaths were rising fast as the most at risk were effected & death sky rocketed
However - the point being if 2% mortality - well even less and the number of deaths are so much lower atm
The question points to just how many "could" have been infected - even accutely
and thus built up some resistance (short term), which would perhaps point to the fact the mortality atm is so low

BUT the UK has a testing capacity of around 250,000 per day they say...

yet all the stats are a bit squiffy at times
Yesterday there was 4,368 positive cases out of a total of 22,171,979 tests
day before there was 3,899 positive cases out of a total of 21,368,297 tests

So are we to believe that 4,368 positive test results are returned from 803,682 tests ???
(22,171,979-21,368,297) over the 24hrs ???
That is like 0.5% or half a percent positive RESULTS on total tests ???
803,682 x 0.005 = 4,018 say
(and 2% mortality on that test figure is just too low to even bother to calculate)
but UK only seems to have a capacity to test 250k, unless the figures are for the whole weekend test total

Another thing that is bugging me, that France's test figure has remained at EXACTLY 10,000,000 all last week ???
So they conduct these tests, publish like 2 days of 13k positives from zero tests according to the total test figure data
Yeah OK France
& Spain/Sweden is just slinging out any number or no numbers per day, then adjusting it all as they go

So with the test numbers rising, the death total is still quite low
and even if UK does hit 50,000 per DAY then the mortality would be 2% = 1,000 per DAY

IT IS 50,000 per DAY CASES
SO A WEEK LATER 100k cases per DAY
SO A WEEK LATER 200k cases per DAY
(That is 1k deaths per day, then 2k per day, then 4k deaths per day if it continue to double each week)
end of edit ***
(My brain fucking hurts with all these figures)

AND that is IF we get anywhere near 50k cases in mid October
& by accounts 100k next week, 200k the week after

Point being these figures can only be taken with a pinch of salt
but decisions are being made based upon these pinches of salt
estimates or possible "could be" scenarios are being presented
where the data - what is available, is wide open to interpretation
and still then nobody - including me fucking knows,
but I do question if the data is anywhere near accurate,
so how can we trust anybody except our own gut instinct ???

Way way TLDR

POINT BEING, even Sky News last night who love a bit of sensationalism, was being a little sceptical about the figures...

50,000 cases PER DAY, not per week
is 1,000 deaths per day - ultra lockdown
And by the calculations of doubling each week...
2,000 deaths per DAY a week later
4,000 deaths per DAY another week later

Well it is just bollox in my opinion and I think Sky was even thinking that last night too

That would mean that if a vaccine is not found quickly, the whole population of the UK will be infected / dead in 3.7 years time....................

Goodbye cruel world............................
That would mean that if a vaccine is not found quickly, the whole population of the UK will be infected / dead in 3.7 years time....................

Goodbye cruel world............................

It's these fucking numbers m8

I mean I like doing "some" maths but even I'm getting well confused with it all at times

It "seems" like we can test up to around 200k a day
And 4k is positive
Or 100k and 2k positive so 2% positive tests
(That is a fucking lot of hypercondriacs maybe)
Ok if you think you need a test then fair doos

What I'm getting at is 2% test positive
(Seems quite fucking low imho but what data can you go on)
So you got 2% positive, which say 2% mortality
So you got 2% of 2% deaths from testing and world is losing its shit

Instead of silly cunts, do as you told/requested, apply a bit of common fucking sense as well as hand sanitizer and maybe just maybe the arse won't fall off just yet

But ffs, give us the correct data and be honest with the people, than scare them with bullshit - they'll never listen or take you seriously after that

So now we are kinda fucked, some will comply, some will continue to not give a fuck

The government should have been truly honest from day one, continued with honesty - yeah I know they're politicians so good luck with that

Also, shutting down debate on the other side of COVID hoax, or hydroxychloroquine and stuff didn't help imho. Shutting down any debate on SM and such just created contempt and resentment towards any advice and fueled the conspiracies more etc...

Me - I'm somewhere in the middle, I know it isn't a hoax and we need to control it, but at the same time the way it has been handled it is no big shock to see numerous people no longer giving a fuck

And those completely ignorant cunts, I mean the really ignorant cunts are growing in numbers as more & more people are totally ignoring guidance as they are reaching their limit they believe

A very confusing sad state we are living in ☹️
It's these fucking numbers m8

I mean I like doing "some" maths but even I'm getting well confused with it all at times

It "seems" like we can test up to around 200k a day
And 4k is positive
Or 100k and 2k positive so 2% positive tests
(That is a fucking lot of hypercondriacs maybe)
Ok if you think you need a test then fair doos

What I'm getting at is 2% test positive
(Seems quite fucking low imho but what data can you go on)
So you got 2% positive, which say 2% mortality
So you got 2% of 2% deaths from testing and world is losing its shit

2% of 2 is 0.04% right?

A lot of those tests are the same people I imagine, one of my best friends is a community nurse, he has to get tested all the time for obvious reasons... missus comes home from work not feeling well, has to get a test before he can go back to work. One of his patients has covid like symptoms, he has to get tested again. He's felt absolutely fine every time but he still has to keep getting tested. I don't know exactly how many negative tests he's had but it's a lot.
Well everybody has to wear masks
10:00pm curfew
Weddings now cut to 15 from 30 - bitch if you got a 30 people reception booked

Wear a mask & Social Distance...



Somebody wanna explain to me & especially these cunts what 2m actually looks like
In my twenties I was out really late.......................

Since my thirties I have always said "if you can't get pissed by nine, you ain't trying"
Well everybody has to wear masks
10:00pm curfew
Weddings now cut to 15 from 30 - bitch if you got a 30 people reception booked

Wear a mask & Social Distance...

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Somebody wanna explain to me & especially these cunts what 2m actually looks like

Stop sensationalising, there is no 10pm curfew at all. Everyone doesn't have to wear masks. More people (like shopworkers, people at indoor hospitality venues and when riding in taxis) should be wearing masks.

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