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Could Vaping help with Covid?

Do you have links? The government still says this...

"There is currently no evidence that COVID-19 can be caught from passive exposure to e-cigarette vapour"

Is it actual doctors saying this? (UK or EU ones preferably, I'm not listening to the Americans on this) I'm pretty sure it doesn't 'float in the clouds'
sorry I dont have any further information. that's why I said I couldn't prove it

This information was viral in a famous Spanish vape forum, months ago.
A "doctor" registered there and told us all the story. Provided some links and documents.
Unfortunately, the thread just dissapeared.
I guess it was false... or just something you dont want to read in a vape forum, and was properly moderated (and if this and the other message need to be deleted, please do it).

I agree with you, virus should travel along with fluggers or droplets. Direct to the floor or the closer surface. But man, who knows, Im just a simple ass not a scientist :D
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