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Covid anti-lockdown protest

Hector Pifarre i Arolas, of the Pompeu Fabra University, Spain, and colleagues, estimated YLL due to Covid-19 using data from nearly 1,280,000 deaths in 81 countries, as well as life expectancy data and projections for total Covid-19 deaths by country.

The study, published in Scientific Reports, estimated that in total 20,507,518 years of life may have been lost due to Covid-19, or 16 years per individual death.

Cheers, I wish they would link to the actual report.

Cheers... sorry don't waste any more time on this. I'm not really that interested, just a little curious after what @Sacred Vape said. I really can't be bothered to sift through this and anything that "contradicts the literal data we have in this country" when it all seems speculative anyway.

there's a lot of "estimated", "may be", "suggests" going on. ... which is fine and doesn't mean it's not interesting to look at but it's not anything to get conspiratorial about or accuse people of 'lying' for some nefarious reason imo.
Cheers... sorry don't waste any more time on this. I'm not really that interested, just a little curious after what @Sacred Vape said. I really can't be bothered to sift through this and anything that "contradicts the literal data we have in this country" when it all seems speculative anyway.

there's a lot of "estimated", "may be", "suggests" going on. ... which is fine and doesn't mean it's not interesting to look at but it's not anything to get conspiratorial about or accuse people of 'lying' for some nefarious reason imo.

I have not read much of the links I posted nor payed much attention to whatever this thread s about to know how they relate to each other. Just responding to a recent post because I could.
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They need to round these turds up, and tattoo them across the forehead, so when they utrn up at the hospital with the "hoax" Covid, they can get told to fuck off.
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