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CTA: What can you do about Wales


May 5, 2014
I think everyone will be aware of what has been going on in Wales this week, and it seemed appropriate that the Vapers in Power - Call to Action focused on just this one thing, so here are.....

Two ways you can help vaping this week.

1. Sign the Liberal Democrats' petition against the Welsh ban on vaping in enclosed public spaces Stop Welsh Labour's e-cigs ban

2. The Welsh Vaping Ban is not a done deal - there are still several hurdles for it to cross before it becomes law - details of which can be seen in this briefing by the NNA: The Welsh Government Public Health White Paper - The Next Steps - New Nicotine Alliance UK
Use these handy documents to send the message to the Assembly Members of Wales that this bill has no basis in science and would be detrimental to public health. Details of their snail mail, email, Facebook and Twitter addresses are included.
Building Blocks for a Letter to members of the Welsh Parliament: https://goo.gl/Sn79RY
Useful Links: https://goo.gl/gJREB8
Welsh Assembly Members: https://goo.gl/ucTImY

Go on, just send a message to 3 of the AM's, it doesn't have to be clever or complicated, every voice counts.
I've emailed 55 Welsh Assembly Members the following...

Dear Assembly Member,

Although I am a resident of England it has come to my attention that a Public Health (Wales) Bill proposes to "Place restrictions on the use of tobacco and nicotine inhaling devices (NIDs) such as electronic cigarettes in enclosed and substantially enclosed public and work places." I assume this means banning their use in the same manner as applies to tobacco and smoking.

I smoked and was addicted to tobacco for over 40 years. I have been tobacco free for the past 18 months using e-cigarettes and vaping equipment whereas previous quit attempts were total failures. Admittedly, I wouldn't vape where smoking is restricted without obtaining permission but to put a legislative ban on this comparitively harmless (compared to smoking) activity seems utterly at odds at with any Public Health programme.

I don't see any proposals regarding alcohol and obesity related health problems in the Bill so it appears rather discriminatory to target e-cigarette users and vapers with a measure that could easily be left to the discretion of businesses and institutions.

Putting electronic cigarettes in the same category as tobacco with such a ban sends out the wrong message to other governments around the world and I'm concerned as to how this will eventually affect me, my family and our health.

I wonder whether these restrictions will apply to Pharmaceutical NIDs such as a Nicorette Inhalator recommended by Stop Smoking Wales?

I apologise if I'm not putting up an intelligent argument or am even coherent but here are some links which address some of the issues involved.

Cancer Research UK: “Cancer Research UK believes the new plans could make it more difficult for some people looking to quit tobacco smoking.”
Welsh Government proposes banning e-cigarettes in public places | Cancer Research UK

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH): “ASH does not support legislation to ban the use of electronic cigarettes in enclosed public spaces. While the evidence that secondhand smoke causes harm to bystanders is irrefutable there is little evidence that vapour causes similar harm. Electronic cigarettes have been shown to help people quit smoking and there is no evidence to currently suggest that they act as a gateway to smoking for young people in the UK.”

Royal College of Physicians (Wales): “The RCP does not support a comprehensive ban on the use of e-cigarettes in enclosed and substantially enclosed public places. There is no evidence that smoking e-cigarettes in enclosed spaces poses a significant risk to other people, and on the basis of available evidence, the RCP anticipates that electronic cigarettes and related products could actually generate significant falls in the prevalence of smoking in the UK, prevent many deaths and episodes of serious illness, and help to reduce the social inequalities in health that tobacco-smoking currently exacerbates.”

I don't know the timetable for this Bill or the process involved but I would urge you to oppose it or seek to remove the section regarding the banning of electronic cigarettes in public and work places.

It's a bit brief but I struggle with long screediness.
I've emailed 55 Welsh Assembly Members the following...

It's a bit brief but I struggle with long screediness.

It is brilliant, it covers all the bases and lets them know that people care about this.
This morning I've had three good, positive, anti-ban email responses from Welsh Assembly members (1 x Welsh Lib Dem, 2 x Plaid Cymru).

I'm doing thank you replies to the replies of replies, if you get my drift.
This morning I've had three good, positive, anti-ban email responses from Welsh Assembly members (1 x Welsh Lib Dem, 2 x Plaid Cymru).

I'm doing thank you replies to the replies of replies, if you get my drift.

Brilliant, can you pm me the names so I can add them to the list of who is on side?
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