@Simon G which do you prefer, the Mini or it’s bigger brother. Or can’t you decide ?
I ask because I’m looking for another tank to go with my Ares. I’ve looked at the Galaxies and this could possibly Be on my list on the back of your review.
I prefer the mini ... I use two of them everyday all day 90% of the time.
.... but that's largely down to the size, 22mm will fit on all my mods and I really prefer a shorter tank because I use small mods.
I think the deck is nicer on the hastur, it's slightly easier to build on for me as it has more 'modern' style coil clamps and you can use coils which are wound either way as it has two sets of screws, there also a little more space to use longer coils or more spaced ones...... the mini is fine but I find it easiest if I leave the coil legs long so I can wrap them right around the screw, if you are using thicker than 28awg then you might not need to.....
I think the positives and negatives on both are down to personal things .... which deck style you find easiest to build on (they are quite different) .... the fact you can't take the deck out while the tank is filled on the original was a problem for some people, but it doesn't bother me really, I make sure my build is 'right' before I fill it.
The fill top is a little trickier to close on the original (you have to push in the centre before twisting .... but on the mini it gets a bit messy around the top because it isn't as tight tolerance....
I think the mini is a little easier to wick maybe.... but the big one holds more liquid.
... and the big one gives you all the airflow inserts, you get a few with it and you can buy 4 extra ones for a few dollars....
I think they both vape really nice though and neither leak out the air holes (ever in my experience) ... that's what's important to me.
you'll have to decide what's important to you...
size (22mm short 24mm tall)
airflow options (the big one has more under coil and more adjustment on the AFC, but the mini has perfect airflow anyway imo)
Liquid capacity (2ml or 3.5ml)
do you want to be able to get to the deck without emptying the tank? (if yes, you want the mini)
do you want to just drop in premade coils which are wound either way, or small claptons? (if yes you want the big)
Top cap is tighter on the big (which is a positive and a negative)
drip tip hole on the mini is shallow (which might be an issue if you want to use your own tips)
I think the big one will give you a vape more like the ares ... but the mini might give you something new that you prefer?
.... you really are asking me which of my two children I prefer though! .... lets say I love them both and they are both unique with their own quirks but they are both great in their own way.