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Current smoker. New to vaping.

I found a store fairly close but wasnt able to make it today :-( hopefully I can on Monday. When purchasing from a store, are the eliquids made there usually or are they ordered? Or is that just dependant on the store and type of shop?

Sent from under a rock

it all depends there are pre made liquids such as hangsen and dekang brand but some places make their own Eliquid is fairly simple
It's propylene Glycol,Vegetable Glycerine,Nicotine and flavour concentrate its sometimes better to get a shop that make custom mixes so you can pick your own PG/VG ratio the PG will give you more flavour and throat hit the VG gives more vapour if you try liquid and it's a bit harsh try lower nicotine or higher VG content and you'll be jammin.
it all depends there are pre made liquids such as hangsen and dekang brand but some places make their own Eliquid is fairly simple
It's propylene Glycol,Vegetable Glycerine,Nicotine and flavour concentrate its sometimes better to get a shop that make custom mixes so you can pick your own PG/VG ratio the PG will give you more flavour and throat hit the VG gives more vapour if you try liquid and it's a bit harsh try lower nicotine or higher VG content and you'll be jammin.

Awesome!! I will make sure and ask about that monday when I go. Is it simple enough, cost effective and safe enough to make my own at home? The ingredients dont sound too dangerous, asside from the nicotine.

Im sorry if these are simple questions I should easily fins answers to but I havent found many places with straight forward answers to many of my questions yet.

Still searching... still reading... still learning :-)

Sent from under a rock
Hi welcome to the planet !!! its perfectly simple to make your own e liquids and can be a lot more cost effective. I would try some premade frst to discover what flavours you like before you get into mixing, when you eventually do there is a lot of information on this forum and links to calculators and videos to help you do it safely :)
Awesome!! I will make sure and ask about that monday when I go. Is it simple enough, cost effective and safe enough to make my own at home? The ingredients dont sound too dangerous, asside from the nicotine.

Im sorry if these are simple questions I should easily fins answers to but I havent found many places with straight forward answers to many of my questions yet.

Still searching... still reading... still learning :-)

Sent from under a rock

don't worry about it fella we all had to learn at the start btw if you were smoking a pack of full strength newports a day a good starting point for trying liquids would be 12 or 18mg strength - i've just started mixing my own its harder thinking about it than actually doing it
the nicotine comes in pg or vg base usually around 72mg per ml strength so for 10ml of juice at 18mg strength 50/50pg/vg with 10%flavour you'd need 2.5mls of your nic base 1.5ml of pg 5.0ml of vg and 1ml of flavour concentrate there are some calculators to help you out - http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/apps/mixing_calculator.php or theres a good freeware program ejuicemeup - http://ejuice.breaktru.com/ and there's a mixology section here for any questions you may have specific to mixing
don't worry about it fella we all had to learn at the start btw if you were smoking a pack of full strength newports a day a good starting point for trying liquids would be 12 or 18mg strength - i've just started mixing my own its harder thinking about it than actually doing it
the nicotine comes in pg or vg base usually around 72mg per ml strength so for 10ml of juice at 18mg strength 50/50pg/vg with 10%flavour you'd need 2.5mls of your nic base 1.5ml of pg 5.0ml of vg and 1ml of flavour concentrate there are some calculators to help you out - http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/apps/mixing_calculator.php or theres a good freeware program ejuicemeup - http://ejuice.breaktru.com/ and there's a mixology section here for any questions you may have specific to mixing

You, good sir, are amazing lol thank you!

Sent from under a rock
Hi Halfbred and Welcome to the Planet! Good to see another brother from the States joining in!
You're gonna like it here, the folks here are fun to be around and know their stuff. You mentioned Halo but not if it's the G6 or Triton. I haven't heard anything bad or good about them, just that they're decent. We have some incredible juices right here in the states as well that you can get pretty quick and most offer free shipping depending on the size of your order.
As always, Ninjaassasin gave some great solid advice, DIY is a fun experiment to get into with a little reading and some basic knowledge of safety. I might add, unflavored nic is pretty tasty on it's own.
Glad you decided to join in, don't hesitate if you are unsure of something or need recommendations!
vApe On!
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