There's nearly 16 million people over 60. Age has been determined as the largest factor and why over 80s are being vaccinated first. So, so what if 95% of fatalities are in the 60+? That's virtually every grandparent and a hell of a lot of parents. We can argue about what constitutes "serious" conditions and the relevance but your clear implication is that a "serious" condition means deaths door and virtually dead if not for the drugs keeping them alive (your words paraphrased) as if having underlying health conditions somehow reduces their importance and value. Sorry, but that's insane to me. It's 2020 not 1820. People live long, happy lives with all kinds of conditions including what you would call serious. Take HIV and AIDS. It was a death sentence but now people with HIV and AIDS live long, happy and very treatable lives. By your logic they're on deaths door and being kept alive by meds. Would their deaths be any less significant? Even some of the most "Serious" conditions are perfectly manageable and the fact remains - remove coronavirus and most of those people who have died would still be alive. It doesn't matter if other viruses like flu can kill them too. That's why we have flu vaccines and we do everything we can to try and reduce flu infections and flu deaths. Again, we have very different perspectives on what constitutes "very sick". Your "very sick" live many very long and very happy years. That many with dementia died isn't exactly a surprise with care homes being hit hard. The lockdowns combined with shielding has protected a vast number of people with underlying conditions from contracting coronavirus and you have no idea what the numbers would look like had those people been exposed to the virus. The fact that many with underlying conditions have been protected and shielded from catching the virus means any statistics are going to be skewed.
I apply morality a lot? Maybe that's because we have a moral obligation to protect those who need protecting. Even the old and even those with health conditions. And, YES, even the "really sick" . These are people not numbers.
Exactly, applying morality.
So the hundreds of businesses that go under who are owned by people younger than 80, is that just a fair trade? People who have been evicted because 80% doesn't pay the rent? All the people in the heightened suicide lists, the older generations as well who are left isolated this year and having nowhere to turn, is that a fair trade?
The point is, if you focus on simply the deaths from covid you ignore about 90% of the effects of covid and many of those on the receiving end of such effects could have ramifications for years which is out of their control.
You focus on the very specific thing and you ignore the reality instead. Many people have been abandoned these past 9 months and have lost so much. The sheer amount of people who haven't got access to healthcare as a result of lockdowns, and wont do for months yet. These are ignored because 'we must protect the elderly'. Yes we should protect the elderly and the vunerable and we are now vaccinating those people are priority. Doesn't change the fact that the effects of covid are much more wide spread and are often ignore dwith viewpoints such as yours.
This isn't importance and value on life, that is you applying morality. It is taking the data and building a realistic picture, which given the vast amount of effects from covid is just dismissed as not so important. No-one is advocating their life meaning less, hence the priority on vaccinating them first. It hasn't changed the lockdowns and tier systems and masks and all the rest of it. Not sure where you get the 0-100 mph straight to value on life. What i say is the truth, it is in the data of the pandemic, not the tabloid spun fear aspect.
So how lethal covid is? Not very lethal specifically, in fact no more lethal than other existing viruses. This is again fact based on the data of it, no morality, simple facts from the data.
But here is a morality of this to pose to you, is a business shutting down a worthy price to pay when many of the age groups who we are protecting are not staying in and shielding? Who are going the pub and to other houses? We aren't protecting old people, so not 16 million as you say. We are protecting a very specific group of people and within the next month or so, they will all be vaccinated for the virus. The risk of covid will significantly drop and we will then be locking down for absolutely nothing.