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Daily Mail running 2 stories on E-Cigs


Jun 25, 2015
I like to live on the edge. I used to smoke, but was absolutely thrilled to find a far more dangerous alternative. If, in the near future, something else is available that's even more dangerous than "e-cigarettes" I'll switch to that.
In the mean time, stories like these give me the confidence to carry on with the e-cigarettes.

ps. anybody know where I can buy benazaldehyde? I'd love to add some to my DIY juices to make them even more risky.
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For a 70-kg human, the lethal dose is estimated at 50 mL.[7] Benzaldehyde has been classified as a hazardous substance by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.[15]

Benzaldehyde is used as a flavoring and fragrance in food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and soap and is "generally regarded as safe" (GRAS) by the US FDA.[16] This status was reaffirmed after a review in 2005.[10] It is accepted in the European Union as a flavoring agent.[12] Toxicology studies indicate that it is safe and non-carcinogenic in the concentrations used for foods and cosmetics.[12] It may have carcinostatic (anti-cancer) properties.[12]

Benzaldehyde does not accumulate in any specific tissues.[12] It is metabolized and then excreted in urine.[12]
For a 70-kg human, the lethal dose is estimated at 50 mL.[7] Benzaldehyde has been classified as a hazardous substance by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.[15]

Benzaldehyde is used as a flavoring and fragrance in food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and soap and is "generally regarded as safe" (GRAS) by the US FDA.[16] This status was reaffirmed after a review in 2005.[10] It is accepted in the European Union as a flavoring agent.[12] Toxicology studies indicate that it is safe and non-carcinogenic in the concentrations used for foods and cosmetics.[12] It may have carcinostatic (anti-cancer) properties.[12]

Benzaldehyde does not accumulate in any specific tissues.[12] It is metabolized and then excreted in urine.[12]
And tastes like Canteloupe and may have aphrodisiac properties. It makes you run faster too
I like to take a risk too , that's why I've taken to bungee jumping with just an elastic band round my gentleman parts whilst vaping cherry flavoured juice.;)..
I'm getting a bit pissed with The Daily Fail. Haven't they recently increased the price of their pathetic rag.
And what kind of mong buys it anyway!!!!!
A joke comic, written by right wing nutjobs, for brain dead nutjobs.
I'm getting a bit pissed with The Daily Fail. Haven't they recently increased the price of their pathetic rag.
And what kind of mong buys it anyway!!!!!

My Dad, every day, Sundays with supplements too :27:
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