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Daily Mail running 2 stories on E-Cigs

Guy must have been vaping on a cherry bomb Lol

And of course will all know its BS once again from the Daily Crap
A direct quote from the authors of the paper

" For e-cigarette users, it's important that they pay attention to how the products are affecting them. If they notice irritation, maybe a cough or sore throat, when they use e-cigarettes, they might want to consider switching to a different flavoring. And it's also important to keep these findings in perspective. The potential harm, if any, from inhaling flavored e-cigarettes would probably not even approach the dangerous, deadly effects of tobacco. It will be important to follow this work up with studies that assess the long-term effects and chronic toxicity of e-cigarette flavorings in humans."
This is from an abstract here http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/01/160129091641.htm

Note how this differs from the Mails first sentence where they state
Cherry flavoured e-cigarettes may be more harmful to health than other types - or even regular cigarettes, new research suggests.
Seems to be a lot of shit coming out lately
Had radio 2 on yesterday in car don't even know why...They were having a debate and an American lady stated that there is no evidence that Vaping devices help people quit cigarettes. I think this forum is evidence enough
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