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Darkstar Bottleshots


New Member
Mar 30, 2020

Quit smoking about 6 months ago and I usually chuff on 10ml bottles of 12mg at 50/50. Thing is, everybodies locking down and supply is getting harder so I was hoping to get some help from you guys and Darkstars bottleshots.

From what I can gather - To achieve 12mg in a 250ml bottle you need 16.5ish 10ml Nic shots (18mg), add it to the bottleshot then use the 70/30 base mix to achieve 50/50?

My question is what pg/vg values should the Nic shot be?. I'm also a big fan of the Heisenberg flavour so any recommendations on flavours n all?

Welcome to POTV @captCHUNK Do you know if the bottle shot flavour is PG based? if so how many ml is it?

If you know the ratios of your ingredients then the easiest way is to use:

From memory I think the Darkstar bottle shots are designed for 70/30 final results, if possible can you let us know what nicotine shots you have (VG or PG or PG/VG)
Yes all of their bottle shots are PG based flavour and come filled at 50ml..
Hi @captCHUNK and welcome to the planet.

think its going to be difficult to get to 12mg
ive used quite a few pre mixed 250ml bottles but not from darkstar. to get to 3mg i have to use 4-5 nic shots so for 12mg im sure you would have hardly any flavour left as you would be adding many more nic shots.
im no expert so best wait for others to advise.
plenty of places do the 250ml shots can be found on post 6 POTV Vendors & Recommended E Liquid Suppliers
To get what you're after you'd be better using separate vg and pg, not the 70/30 base. Here's a calculation using 70/30 nic shots and assuming your bottle shot is 20% flavour.

Screenshot_20200330-121212_Vape Tool.jpg

Also, if you like heisenberg have a look at driphacks. They do a lot of mentholly type bottle shots that are decent.
This sounds slightly confusing but bear with me.

The closest I could get to 250ml 50PG/50VG at 12mg is with the following recipe (if you were mixing ingredients separately).

Nicotine base (40PG/60VG) 166.67ml - ROUGHLY 9 Bottles of VG and 7.7 bottles of PG nicotine
Bottle Shot Flavour (PG) 50.00ml
VG 25.30ml
PG 8.03ml

That's as close as I could get with your base mix of 70/30.

If your nicotine is 100% VG then there's no way to get close to what you need sorry, best way is in future to buy PG & VG seperately and a mix of nic shots, I had similar issues when I tried mixing Darkstar stuff and had to order more PG based nicotine to get the results I needed.

It actually got easier when I ordered PG and VG in separate bottles so I could work out what nicotine I needed.

If you are till stuck let us know your nicotine ratio so we can advise what you need.
Thanks for the replies and help all, glad I asked because I knew it sounded wooly. Think my best option will be to do it from scratch.

What threw me off was this line in their FAQ -

"When purchasing your Base Mix, keep in mind that the concentrate in the Bottle Shot is PG based. So, the ratio that you choose will become the next ratio down when everything is mixed.
For example, when using a High VG Base Mix with a Bottle Shot the final e-liquid will be a 70/30 ratio. For 70/30 Base Mix the final e-liquid will be around a 50/50 ratio, etc."

Which didn't seem like a lot of information, because I figured depending on the Nic shot used then you'll be diluting either the PG or VG value.

To answer some questions/provide more info-

-Some of their listings say the concentrate/flavour is filled 25%, so, 62.5ml for a 250ml bottle?. 50ml for 20%?
-One of my other concerns was about using so much nicotine and killing the flavour, this is why I don't use shortfills, from what MrDJ says this might still be an issue?. Wouldn't this still be an issue even if mixing seperately though?, as the nicotine content doesn't change?
-Darkstar does supply different Nic ratios (100% VG, 70/30, 50/50, 100% PG)

Again big thanks for your help, I'm going to look into using PG and VG separately now and different suppliers. Since I'm a noob at this I thought I'd try and take the easiest road.
A lot of Darkstar bottle shots are 25%, so check.
Good point, I haven't mixed any for a while but they used to be 20%, the Lunar range were 25% I still don't think you can get an exact 50/50 mix.

I reviewed a few, my mixing guide was for 3mg 70/30 but on my todo list is try some 20mg 50/50 nic salts as I have a few Darkstar concentrates.
Should be easier now as I have some 72mg nic salts.



The Lunar range with 25%:

Let us know what you have @captCHUNK - the more info you can give the easier it will be to advise.
The point that @MrDJ made is being overlooked. To use 18mg strength Nic shots to achieve an overall 12mg strength juice when being added to a bottle shot will make the flavour really weak.
You would need a stronger Nic to achieve this.
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