Quit smoking about 6 months ago and I usually chuff on 10ml bottles of 12mg at 50/50. Thing is, everybodies locking down and supply is getting harder so I was hoping to get some help from you guys and Darkstars bottleshots.
From what I can gather - To achieve 12mg in a 250ml bottle you need 16.5ish 10ml Nic shots (18mg), add it to the bottleshot then use the 70/30 base mix to achieve 50/50?
My question is what pg/vg values should the Nic shot be?. I'm also a big fan of the Heisenberg flavour so any recommendations on flavours n all?
Quit smoking about 6 months ago and I usually chuff on 10ml bottles of 12mg at 50/50. Thing is, everybodies locking down and supply is getting harder so I was hoping to get some help from you guys and Darkstars bottleshots.
From what I can gather - To achieve 12mg in a 250ml bottle you need 16.5ish 10ml Nic shots (18mg), add it to the bottleshot then use the 70/30 base mix to achieve 50/50?
My question is what pg/vg values should the Nic shot be?. I'm also a big fan of the Heisenberg flavour so any recommendations on flavours n all?