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Davide Glassomizer


Feb 7, 2014
Ladies and gents, I have been the happy owner of a Davide Glassomizer since Friday - I wanted a glass tank and it's certainly a step up (IMHO). However, the 'o' rings in the drip tip seem to have already waved a little white flag and given up. I managed to replace one of them (there was only one spare in the box, or I misplaced one), but I'm not super-happy with the the fit in general - it's still looser than I would like and I am now concerned that I'm going to need back-up 'o' rings in my mounting collection of all things vape-related. Anyone else have this problem? How do you fix it?

I would assume a) More 'o' rings needed. If so, are there better ones to buy that will last longer than 3-and-half days. Again, if so, where's a good place to buy (and what size)? Sorry, I am a newb... Or b) Is there a better drip tip that'll fit A LOT more snugly? Any help would be REALLY appreciated because when that drip tip gets loose, it REALLY gets loose.

Many thanks.
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I'm guessing that this is the aspire davide? If it is, it's not just yours. Mine is a little loose but nothing I can't live with as it's a great tank. I wouldn't mind it being a little tighter though.

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That sounds like the bunny - the Anyvape Davide Glassomizer... Mine just lost all resistance between drip tip and tank, so it was quite bad... Otherwise, it works like a charm - but if it happens again it'll be next to useless. I'd like to avoid that or be prepared for when it happens again.
Mines not too bad at the moment. It doesn't fall out on its own but it only needs a little resistance for it to come off. I regularly find once I've had a vape the drip tip stays in my mouth.

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That's what I would like to avoid - that's exactly what happened. It would fall out in the wild, which isn't right.
Good to know. I've had mine for a week now, and so far no issues to report. But I am starting to see the wear on the tip. Any gurgling associated with this problem?
It's been fine. A couple of small leaks, but nothing more... I did have a wee bit of spitting once. Otherwise, it's behaved itself... Most of the (small) issues I have had have been as a result of cleaning as I change liquids and possibly being a tad impatient.

Really want to nail the 'o' ring issue, mind. Lovely glassomizer, it really is. Happy with it, short of the drip tip.
A quick fix for a loose drip tip is a couple of turns of plumbers tape (Ptfe) around the bit where the o'ring sits
didn't they quickly stop manufacturing one type of davide because of some kind of a problem?

If you like this style of tank might as well just get the nautilus because it's almost certainly the best clearomizer on the market. Another good option is the Aerotank (preferably with the air holes drilled out)
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