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December 6th deadline for the Uk Vaping consultation survey


Mod Maker
Jun 12, 2016
you may have heard of this and you may have filled it in

you may have read lots of stuff and heard lots of views but the deadline for your voice has not been heard if you haven't filled the form in, the form is biased and confusing but this is the start of the UK's own PMTA when someone who doesn't vape doesn't know how they helped you get off cigarettes will decide for you, how you vape and what you can buy. (after all they never told you how to smoke just said how foolish you were to smoke.)

so on December 6th most likely one minute past midnight the night before, the consultation paper will close after that your view is void.

I don't care what you write as long as it is pro-vaping 12 thousand people have filled out the form which is 3.3% of the vaping population I expect half of those voices will be ban ban ban all of vaping so that is 1.6% about the number of members logged on to potv on a good night that is pro vaping which is just a joke.

if vaping starts to get banned, flavors are banned and vaping is taxed doing posts on here saying how bad it is and not expressing your view when you had a chance to put your point across is a waste of time.

so to be cruel and blunt put down the remote control for the telly, stop watching drama and crap on you tube, and spend 10 mins ticking some boxes you don't need to put your name in or an email so do it for your nan, your children your mates anyone who supported you and is thankful you quit smoking with vaping

this is the form


confused about how to fill it in, then read Clive Bates's view below it makes sense and it will give you a guide there is a handy tool on a computer called cut-copy-paste.....


mods it would be nice to pin this post please
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Thanks Stu. I’ve filled this out a few times, and friends and family of mine, some who aren’t vapers, have too.
I doubt however that too much of this will be taken into consideration when this shower of shit make any impending decisions, and fear that this is just a long way round of implementing a vape tax. We aren’t living in a democracy any more despite what people may believe , (Thanks Covid), and the government will now do exactly as they please regardless of what the public may think. We 100% need some sort of revolution to change that as democratically we have regressed hundreds of years in the last three and as a nation we are no longer being listened te because we have proved that we will do exactly as we are told regardless of how ridiculous it seems, with little to no resistance.
Smoke free generation? Yes in principal, but people should be free to choose what they do or do not do to their body. I’m really looking forward to the alcohol free generation consultation coming out too……

Vaping is not smoking. That association needs to be put to bed and they need to listen to their own physicians recommendations rather than American and Australian political codswallop.
Youth vaping is an issue? Possibly. But if it’s replaced youth smoking then is that not a good thing? Nowhere have I seen any reports stating the fall/rise in youth smoking, only that youth vaping is up. If it’s a choice between one of the other then I know what I’d pick.
Disposables being banned? No. Not the way forwards. Regulated yes, heavily, but not banned. I’m far from keen, but they offer a gateway into vaping for smokers. I would however be limiting where they’re sold and who they’re sold too. My first vape was a cigalike, which is a disposable. I do believe that was the same for many of us on here.

We have to have our say to satisfy our own consciences but it will, I fear, make little difference. This lot, and the lot behind them in their Red and Yellow ties, want population control and they’re doing that at a quicker rate than ever the more the months/ years pass. Yours, mine and everyone else’s option matters not one bit, because it’s ok to have a nation of unhappy citizens, a health service, which has always been one of our greatest assets, on its arse, food, fuel and housing that is at an ever increasing rate due to disproportionate taxation and billions of £’s sent abroad annually when we could and should be looking after our own issues better. And you know why it’s ok? Because we let them.
Uk politics needs to be destroyed. London and the devolved governments. And it needs to be sorted again by good people with good intentions, not billionaire crooks with an agenda.

Free people should be free to make choices. There are far more harmful and perfectly legal purchases we can make in the Uk which aren’t regulated because they make these assholes a lot of money, and therin lies the real problem; they don’t make enough money from vaping and they want to change that.
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you may have heard of this and you may have filled it in

you may have read lots of stuff and heard lots of views but the deadline for your voice has not been heard if you haven't filled the form in, the form is biased and confusing but this is the start of the UK's own PMTA when someone who doesn't vape doesn't know how they helped you get off cigarettes will decide for you, how you vape and what you can buy. (after all they never told you how to smoke just said how foolish you were to smoke.)

so on December 6th most likely one minute past midnight the night before, the consultation paper will close after that your view is void.

I don't care what you write as long as it is pro-vaping 12 thousand people have filled out the form which is 3.3% of the vaping population I expect half of those voices will be ban ban ban all of vaping so that is 1.6% about the number of members logged on to potv on a good night that is pro vaping which is just a joke.

if vaping starts to get banned, flavors are banned and vaping is taxed doing posts on here saying how bad it is and not expressing your view when you had a chance to put your point across is a waste of time.

so to be cruel and blunt put down the remote control for the telly, stop watching drama and crap on you tube, and spend 10 mins ticking some boxes you don't need to put your name in or an email so do it for your nan, your children your mates anyone who supported you and is thankful you quit smoking with vaping

this is the form


confused about how to fill it in, then read Clive Bates's view below it makes sense and it will give you a guide there is a handy tool on a computer called cut-copy-paste.....


mods it would be nice to pin this post please

Done :)
"And you know why it’s ok? Because we let them."

Burn the place to the fucking ground, I say............It's the only way:angrymob:
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