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Have Your Say in Shaping the Future of Vaping! | Stoptober #3


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Staff member
Jul 18, 2012


Have Your Say in Shaping the Future of Vaping! | Stoptober #3

Hi All,
This newsletter contains the final Stoptober deal - and also something more important to future of vaping.

You may have heard the government are having a consultation on "Creating a smoke free generation"

While we all want a smoke-free Britain, and I don't think my opinion on disposable vapes is any secret whatsoever - this possible incoming legislation has the potential to impact vaping as we know it - If they decide to hit the whole industry with a hammer rather than tackle the problematic areas (Youth Vaping and indirectly .. well ok absolutely directly Disposable vapes), with thoughtful and harm reduction minded approach.

More on that below - please take the time if you possibly can to fill out the Department Of Health & Social Care consultation - its 10 minutes to help safeguard your vaping.

On that Note! have a great rest of your month! and best wishes to all.

Read On ...

Its time for the final Stoptober deal!
Last deal of the month - this deal will run from now up till the last day of the month and will net you 18% off all Manabush E-Liquids use the code : STOPIT18 (all caps) - Many thanks for all your continued support!

Today, we bring you a vital opportunity to voice your opinion and make a difference in the future of vaping. The UK government is currently seeking public input through a consultation on creating a smoke-free generation and tackling youth vaping.

This is your chance to let your voice be heard and influence the decisions that could shape the vaping landscape for years to come. The government is actively seeking your input on various aspects of vaping, including smoking, vaping, flavors, disposables, what should be banned, and what kind of enforcement should be put in place.

Your Participation Matters:
By taking part in this consultation, you have the opportunity to express your views on the future of vaping regulation and legislation. This is a crucial moment for all vaping enthusiasts, manufacturers, and retailers to come together and protect our right to choose a safer alternative to traditional smoking.

How to Get Involved:

  1. Visit the Government Consultation Page: Access the government's consultation page at https://www.gov.uk/government/consu...mokefree-generation-and-tackling-youth-vaping.

  2. Navigate to the Feedback Survey: Scroll halfway down the page to find the "Respond Online" link, which will take you to the feedback survey.

  3. Share Your Input: The survey covers a wide range of topics related to vaping and smoking. It should take approximately 10 minutes to complete, and your responses can have a substantial impact on the government's decisions.
Why Your Participation is Important:

Vaping has emerged as a lifeline for countless individuals seeking an alternative to traditional tobacco. By participating in this consultation, you can help ensure that vaping remains a viable option for those who rely on it to stay smoke-free.

Act Now:
The time to act is now! Your opinion can influence the government's approach to vaping regulation, and your input is invaluable in protecting the future of vaping in the UK. Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference.

Have Your Say:
Share your thoughts and insights to shape the future of vaping and ensure that this alternative remains available to those who depend on it.

Thank you for being a part of our vibrant vaping community. Your participation is vital, and together, we can protect the right to choose a safer alternative to smoking.

Best regards,

The Manabush Team

P.S. Spread the word! Encourage your friends and fellow vapers to participate in the government consultation as well. Together, we can make a difference!

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