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Review Digbys Juices - The Video


Nov 24, 2013
Hi All,

I recently spent some time in Dorset with Sam Cox of Digbys Juices fame. I recorded an interview which if you haven't seen can be found on my channel and also on here.

I also made this for your viewing pleasure.

I hope you enjoy it.


Digbys Juices - The Video - YouTube
Loved seeing the scale of their production, that surprised me. Music seemed out of place though.
Hi Martyn,

I was about to berate you saying I'd seen this interview ages ago! :)

Very interesting to see the process on a grander scale than my humble beginnings. I also wanted to say it was a really nicely shot and edited video, nice transitions and synced cuts. You obviously spent a good long while on this and it shows, it's a great promo tool for them.

I hope they paid you in a few of those blue 5ltr tanks ;)
Yes, very impressive set-up. It's good to see such a professional environment where our juices are made. Very reassuring :D
Hi Martyn,

I was about to berate you saying I'd seen this interview ages ago! :)

Very interesting to see the process on a grander scale than my humble beginnings. I also wanted to say it was a really nicely shot and edited video, nice transitions and synced cuts. You obviously spent a good long while on this and it shows, it's a great promo tool for them. << Thanks for these kind comments. Much appreciated.

I hope they paid you in a few of those blue 5ltr tanks ;) << No. Done for the love of it.

See the comments in post.
See the comments in post.

Well if I was Digby's and you'd done that for me (and an amazing job too), for the love of it, then I would have sorted you out with a very generous thank you ;)

Nudge, nudge, digby's, cough, nudge, cough, nudge (too much? ok then)
Great vid mate, is it wrong that I was drooling over the Dr Jekyll all in one place..... Just begging to be vaped?

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