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Dipped to into clones...what do i need now :)

we both stopped 15 months ago now but we still find an odd lighter in the 'man drawer' so no need for a flamer....not that i do that much coiling anyway

Ahhh got a few of them in the "womans room" ie kitchen yay you saved me some money as the cc took a tiny bashing the last two days.

Now where is that postie :)
Got batteries, nem clone, charger, drip tip etc

Just trying to sus out the nem at the mo :D
pez havent stopped shaking and looking at it sitting on my desk at work! Got into a tiz and broke out in a rash, wonder if i should go home ill :D
@pez havent stopped shaking and looking at it sitting on my desk at work! Got into a tiz and broke out in a rash, wonder if i should go home ill :D
Pepper, go on do it, go home you know you want to, take all your stuff, lock your self in the spare room, claiming "women's problems" play with all your stuff, and cape your self in to cape heaven all evening. Get up tomorrow feeling great.

@Chegs that's my version of vape heaven. Anyway that was a private conversation between me and @Pepper. She knows what I mean. (Plus the new Nexus 10 don't like me) hehehehe

My phones auto-text often catches me out too,especially when I've proof-read it 1st & it seems to change the fecking words AFTER I hit post button :P
Same feeking problem. I know what I want to say and type that, but the fkking thing does its thing. Progress they call it, progress you can shove it.
I battled on like a good un at work. But everything is packed and im still waiting for the bus! I just want to get home and play!The nem is sexy as hell :D
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