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Dismal service from U.K. ecigs


New Member
Nov 14, 2014
Hiyall , just a heads up to warn you about re-wrapped vtc4's that are being sold by uk ecigs .
Having recently bought a vaporflask from Midlands vaping, I was informed by the owner Andy,that the only place left In England to pick up any vtc4's was ukecigs . I was delighted to see that they indeed had them in stock , as the pair of 4's I have are well past their sell by date. Upon receiving them I found that they didn't fit into the vaporflask, unlike the pair I already have that easily fitted. I was baffled by this until ,upon closer inspection of the new vtc4's , it was plain to see that they aren't genuine sonys, and are inferior batteries that have been re-wrapped with a green sony wrapper!. I duly phoned the customer service dept of ukecigs to inform them , in case they weren't aware, only to be treated with derision. The agent on the phone apparently went and saw the director , and i was informed (with a snigger) "oh yeah, just send us em back and we'll change em for some LG's"
Just thought I'd warn you all before any of you waste your money on fake, and possibly dangerous batteries, from a flippant retailer with zero customer service skills and a blatant disregard of the customer.......
End of rant
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