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DIY concentrate


Mar 5, 2018
Just wondering if anyone makes their own flavour concentrates?
I've seen plenty online about making concentrates, mostly coffee, vanilla or dry spices and menthol. I am thinking about giving it a go with some salted caramel coffee beans and maybe a vanilla as well. Has anyone tried this and is it really safe to vape.
The vanilla would be pretty straight forward but as for salted caramel coffee beans? Im not so sure.
Firstly i would be asking where the salted caramel came from in the first place to flavour the beans.
Good luck in your quest though.
Mixing is certainly interesting.
The coffee beans can be soaked in PG, grind them up first tho'! Then pop them in a bain marie for a while, strain thoroughly and you should have decent coffee concentrate.
As above, pre flavoured coffee beans ( WHY? WHY? In the name of smeg WHY???) probably wouldn't bother. To quote that great Scottish legend Franco Begbie: ' No way would I poison my body with that shite, all they fucking chemicals, no fucking way. '
Plenty actual concentrates of that ilk to be had.

Menthol is easy, get crystals, add to PG and off you pop.

No, no ratios or proportions as, well i don't have any and I'm more a Keef Floyd not a Delia person.

Dried herbs will need proper straining afterwards. Ultrafine mesh at the least. Don't want bit of crud getting into your lungs.
Sound advice, thanks. And maybe I'll stick to plain coffee beans.
I'm wondering how this worked out for you.

I have read that home made coffee concentrate will contian oils wich are harmfull if inhaled. The bad news is most things you can think of to make flavourings from, coffee, tea, mint, chocolate what have you are oil based flavours.

I thought about making fruit flavours but these would contain sugar, which will gum up your kit.
I'm wondering how this worked out for you.

I have read that home made coffee concentrate will contian oils wich are harmfull if inhaled. The bad news is most things you can think of to make flavourings from, coffee, tea, mint, chocolate what have you are oil based flavours.

I thought about making fruit flavours but these would contain sugar, which will gum up your kit.

Well I have to admit I've not vaped it a great deal but tried it in a mix and it seemed OK, but I don't have a great sense of taste or smell. I like my flavours strong and this seemed to work out OK, for me anyway. Added to some B cream and caramel was most vapable.
Now the menthol I made from crystals was a great success and the vanilla was pretty good too but for now at least buying my concentrates is on the whole much quicker and easier.thanks for asking though
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