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DIY DNA 200 MOD 3X18650 HELP


Feb 26, 2013
Hey all,

After having 2 duff devices in the last 6 months I have decided to build myself a mod. Having read everything I can find on the current boards I've chosen the DNA200. The only issue is I prefer to use 18650 batteries rather than LiPo as I already have the external charger and loads of good batteries but the DNA200 doesn't have reverse battery protection. Evolv's DNA200 datasheet mentions an accessory board for the purpose but I cannot find it anywhere and the last post on evolv's forums was July 2015.

Does anyone have a recommended protection circuit what will allow charging through the usb?

If there is no relatively easy solution then I will have to go with LiPo I suppose but I have already designed the Enclosure for 3x18650's so would have to modify it.


Reposted in the correct forum because I am an idiot.
I'd give this a read:


Add RPP to a circuit using a mosfet.

Whether its worth the hassle?....That's up to you.....worst care scenario is you blow the DNA's fuse, best case scenario....you remember which way to put your batteries in!

The board will balance charge 2s, so no problems there.

Have fun, and please post what you come up with in the end :)

Maybe worth also looking at the new SX350J V2 . Has a watered down version of escribe and is designed for 2s.
I'd give this a read:


Add RPP to a circuit using a mosfet.

Whether its worth the hassle?....That's up to you.....worst care scenario is you blow the DNA's fuse, best case scenario....you remember which way to put your batteries in!

The board will balance charge 2s, so no problems there.

Have fun, and please post what you come up with in the end :)

Maybe worth also looking at the new SX350J V2 . Has a watered down version of escribe and is designed for 2s.


I was considering using this method but read that maybe charging doesn't work with it. Maybe better to just go the LiPo Route.
ade bousefield of toaster mods builds his dna200 mods with a mosfet. if your on fb it might be worthwhile asking him how he does it
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