I have to admit, at first I did buy a starter kit, purely because I was lazy. Although, saying that, after sourcing the set up to make juice from the above link it was basically the P&P which stung. Ok, the PG VG has free delivery but pretty much everything else had P&P to add which (for me just starting) was a false economy as I had no idea if I would gel with DIY or not.
Now I have decided I will continue with the DIY thang
I will be sourcing most of my needs from the above link
I was recently speaking to someone about getting into DIY and did a little bit of a price breakdown from the bottom up.
500ml PG (lubrisolve via ebay) £4.99
1litre VG (lubrisolve via ebay) £5.89
100ml 72mg nic from VapeInc £9.99
10 x 10ml LDPE bottles from Amazon £2.03
1x1ml 1x5ml 1x10ml syringes and 14gauge blunt tip needles maybe £3 ish the lot (I got mine free from a friend)
Probably the bare essentials, roughly speaking
I did get a few things from our far eastern friends as they were cheap and I knew I wanted to try mixing my own but not everyone is willing to wait a few weeks for stuff to arrive.
I know you can get smaller amounts of PG VG nic etc but that was just a starting point. So I suppose what I'm saying is if you are just going to dabble to see if you get along with DIY and the likes then a starter kit is (IMO) the way to go. DIY'ing may not be for everyone and spending a fair amount to start up is a far from ideal when you could be spending that money on a shiny tank or dripper etc haha
Obviously, I have no intention of quitting DIY now as I really enjoy the whole process. By no means am I savvy or any kind of mixology guru, just starting out
thoroughly enjoying it all FYI
I got my starter kit from Leisure liquids I think but I was also looking at one from Piratevapes. IIRC they were both around the £20 mark give or take.