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diy juice subscription service


Jan 12, 2016
hi all

been looking at getting into diying for awhile now but been to afraid to make the jump but now all this tdp stuff is getting closer thought ide better start ive got a subscription with vapeabox and on there website they are doing this http://vapeabox.co.uk/product/10706/ any one got any thoughts on this ie any good / worth the money?
ur help is greatly apreciated
I have to admit, at first I did buy a starter kit, purely because I was lazy. Although, saying that, after sourcing the set up to make juice from the above link it was basically the P&P which stung. Ok, the PG VG has free delivery but pretty much everything else had P&P to add which (for me just starting) was a false economy as I had no idea if I would gel with DIY or not.
Now I have decided I will continue with the DIY thang :) I will be sourcing most of my needs from the above link ;)

I was recently speaking to someone about getting into DIY and did a little bit of a price breakdown from the bottom up.
500ml PG (lubrisolve via ebay) £4.99
1litre VG (lubrisolve via ebay) £5.89
100ml 72mg nic from VapeInc £9.99
10 x 10ml LDPE bottles from Amazon £2.03
1x1ml 1x5ml 1x10ml syringes and 14gauge blunt tip needles maybe £3 ish the lot (I got mine free from a friend)
Probably the bare essentials, roughly speaking

I did get a few things from our far eastern friends as they were cheap and I knew I wanted to try mixing my own but not everyone is willing to wait a few weeks for stuff to arrive.

I know you can get smaller amounts of PG VG nic etc but that was just a starting point. So I suppose what I'm saying is if you are just going to dabble to see if you get along with DIY and the likes then a starter kit is (IMO) the way to go. DIY'ing may not be for everyone and spending a fair amount to start up is a far from ideal when you could be spending that money on a shiny tank or dripper etc haha
Obviously, I have no intention of quitting DIY now as I really enjoy the whole process. By no means am I savvy or any kind of mixology guru, just starting out :D thoroughly enjoying it all FYI ;)

I got my starter kit from Leisure liquids I think but I was also looking at one from Piratevapes. IIRC they were both around the £20 mark give or take.
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maybe try some pre mixed or one shot concentrate @ first
you'll end up with something vapable !! just while you get into it
or basic recipes with 3 or 4 flavours
good luck
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