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Must be a beagle thing, My hound is always licking her bits. Still doesn't mean I wanna taste them in a juice.

I have ordered some LorAnn banana to have a go at see if that's any better
Banana maze is a nice one :-)
Currently got some PA Rainbow Sherbet in the subtank @ 20‰ (zing!) while 5 other mixes I put together steep.

Blimey, after the flurry of putting together loads of interesting recipes, pretending to be in my first class of Potions at Hogwarts with Severus Snape, the steep seems very..... Boring:(
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Major thread resurrection!!

Last weekend I mixed a vanilla custard recipe that ive see pop up alot with great reviews.It is only 10% flavouring but it is unbelievable after 6 days in the cupboard with cap off
Vanilla custard cap v1 4%
French vanilla cap 3%
New york cheesecake cap 3%
Fecking delicious
I mixer a various berries and it was missing something... A good man sent me Element fresh squeeze in 3mg that was too strong (I'm on zero/1mg max) so I added that to make nice 1mg mixture. Left it over night and woooaw it's just what it needed :) hmm may be I just crave for nicotine?!?...
Heisenberg/Pinkman mix.
15%Pinkman 5%Heisenberg.
It's strong, but pretty much shake and vape.
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