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DIY or DIE Membership?

Genghis Fogs

Aug 22, 2017
Necessity is the mother of invention, or perhaps just mixing some good recipes. With the vape juice dark age looming, has anyone got a subscription to DIY or DIE? If so do you rate it? $3 a month seems quite reasonable for access to all the flavour profiles etc. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
That does sound reasonable. Might even consider it myself, though I've never really used recipies. They have some good YT content.
There are plenty of free options such as 'All The Flavours', and 'e-Liquid Recipes'.
This is the first time I've heard of them so just had a quick look. £3 a month isn't a lot for anyone who feels this would benefit them. I already have 4 very good recipes of my own and am working on a couple more but as I'm getting through less than 15ml of juice a day I don't really want too many recipes or it would mean needing to keep far too many concentrate flavours around, many of which would be likely to just go to waste.
There are plenty of free options such as 'All The Flavours', and 'e-Liquid Recipes'.
Yes, I've been using those for years and there's some excellent recipes out there. I think the point with DIY or DIE is all about going into the minutiae of how to construct recipes from scratch.
Yes, I've been using those for years and there's some excellent recipes out there. I think the point with DIY or DIE is all about going into the minutiae of how to construct recipes from scratch.
Every published recipe of his I have tried has been, at best, average, in fact no that much better than what I have managed to mix myself. Equally, the mixes he comes up with off the cuff on his mixing show, are not as good as the likes of "Nevans" and a few other well known mixers come up with (IMHO, of course). However, as you say, he is a mine of useful info on recipe construction, flavours and other mixing info. If you watch his show on a Friday he usually pushes his 'one shots' etc which will give you a good idea of what to buy to get an unbiased idea of how good/average a mixer he is. A bit like taste, it's all in the eye of the beholder mate.
I've got some of Nevans Nicbrosia on the go right now! It's superb. Granted I've never actually tried any of the DIY or DIE on shots or recipes, I was more thinking about the host of mixing related information that the membership would unlock. The kind of stuff I'd have to watch a years worth of YouTube to pick up. I could happily explore recipes by the likes of Nevans and other respected mixologists (I certainly will), but I also want to branch out and try some of my own which is why I'm wondering about the membership.
I've got some of Nevans Nicbrosia on the go right now! It's superb. Granted I've never actually tried any of the DIY or DIE on shots or recipes, I was more thinking about the host of mixing related information that the membership would unlock. The kind of stuff I'd have to watch a years worth of YouTube to pick up. I could happily explore recipes by the likes of Nevans and other respected mixologists (I certainly will), but I also want to branch out and try some of my own which is why I'm wondering about the membership.
Have you seen any of the DIYORDIE Developed shows on YouTube? It’s basically three very good mixers including the extremely talented FolkArt that build recipes from scratch and shows you how it’s done with the why’s and wherefore’s. Unfortunately they have disbanded now but there are many episode to watch. I found their shows very informative and easy to watch without all of the shouting and loud noise that seems to be the trend these days.
Have you seen any of the DIYORDIE Developed shows on YouTube? It’s basically three very good mixers including the extremely talented FolkArt that build recipes from scratch and shows you how it’s done with the why’s and wherefore’s. Unfortunately they have disbanded now but there are many episode to watch. I found their shows very informative and easy to watch without all of the shouting and loud noise that seems to be the trend these days.
+1 re 'Developed', a most excellent and informative show; could never work out why it was replaced with the new 'noted'. My personal pref on 'Developed' was always ID10-T, his very Capricornian (not to say he is a Cap) dry humour always made me laugh and I have a few of his very excellent recipes in my rotation.
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