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I'm new here. I apologise if this question has been asked before but I really CBA reading 20 pages right now...

How long can one keep nicotine solution at room temperature for? What I'm really asking is how much I should take out the freezer each time?
Mines in pg, it's stored in the freezer in 100ml bottles and when I mix I do several batches of 200ml bottles of juice. I use the nic straight from the freezer.
I would imagine a good years worth...you could keep it in the fridge rather than room temp (I live in Scotland no need for fridges)

Moi aussi. Scotland-wise. In winter I'll just stick it on the windowsill... Oh wait, them kids might get at it...
Mines in pg, it's stored in the freezer in 100ml bottles and when I mix I do several batches of 200ml bottles of juice. I use the nic straight from the freezer.

I make about 100ml at a time and only actually use about 5ml of nic. solution each time I mix.

Maybe I just need to make more juice!
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Back on topic...

I had a discussion yesterday with @ZT about nicotine solutions. Basically, the one I've been using is pish. I think I've pretty much confirmed this by making some liquid up sans nic, it tasting fine, and then tasting gash when I then added some nic. As a further test, I'm going to try some nicobrand solution (which @ZT is very kindly giving me a little of) in the very same sans nic liquid and see if that tastes fine. If it does, as I expect, then I can be pretty sure that it's the nic. solution (the first one) that's the problem.


Don't buy nicotine from F&S Ecigs.
@ZT suggests that Nicobrand is the best; and Lubrisolve ( http://lubrisolve.co.uk/shop/32-nicotine-dilution-products ) sell it in a variety of quantities. I confirmed with Nicobrand today that Lubrisolve nic. solution is rebranded Nicobrand.
Moi aussi. Scotland-wise. In winter I'll just stick it on the windowsill... Oh wait, them kids might get at it...

In a dark box. Heat, light, and air (oxygen to be more precise) are what degrades your nicotine.
I take out of the freezer about six months worth and keep it in the fridge.
Has anyone used nicotine from Http://http://darrantchemicals.co.uk ? just wondering if it would be any good or not?
Also would it be ok to keep it in the fridge rather than the freezer ?

Where is the best place to get concentrates at good value?
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Has anyone used nicotine from Http://http://darrantchemicals.co.uk ? just wondering if it would be any good or not?
Also would it be ok to keep it in the fridge rather than the freezer ?

Where is the best place to get concentrates at good value?

Not sure about Darrant, have seen mixed reviews, Darkstar is well regarded for Nicotine, they are also good value for concentrates, as is Chef's Flavours.
Daft question, I'm going to try mixing my own, basic, probably one concentrate flavours in 12mg nicotine variety..... How much stuff should I order? Think I'll be going 50/50 as it's what I'm used to.

Shall I just get 500ml VG and 500ml LG and 100ML nicotine??

Don't want loads left over and then be mixing brands or throwing stuff away if it's unused.


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