great topic, read every post on this topic so far here, very informative for a novice like myself.
anyway i have a list of what im looking for from the links provided,
glass bottles, nic vg/pg etc so good nearly to go.
i do have a couple of question to ask so sorry for my large post.
1: the flavouring part is were im lost, i have tried quite a few flavours in the couple of months i have been vaping and to be honest i always seem to go toward the anaside, spearment, black ice type ones. i have tried others and i just dont like the taste of them, and to be honest the ammount i have spent on them for me to not like them is putting me off slightly, i have only stopped smoking for about 6 weeks now, vape on 3mg and thats good enough for me. but the price of all this is costing me a fortune in trying out new flavours it would be cheaper for me to start smoking again.
what flavour concentrated would you suggest i get.
as im sure there are many nice flavours out there with so many brands its hard to try them out to see if i will like them or not.
i def dont want to start smoking again so need some advice on what you think i might like.
at this point ill try just about anything to keep me vaping.
2: im also looking at doing my own labels, i have some good art skills with the likes of photoshop but im unsure of the lable sizes i would need for 10 and 30ml bottles. is there some sort of template i could use for this. and any sites were i could get the lables printed etc.
thanx all for reading my mini post