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DNA Chip set, what makes it so expensive.

= that customary arrogance so prevalent in the Medical professions.

‘God Complex,’ etc...
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Invent means to create or design something that has not existed before; be the originator of.

you don't feel EVOLV have done that?

they aren't the originators of anything?

they haven't designed anything that hasn't existed before?

..... I'm guessing we are just playing a word game here by the fact you used phrase 'actual inventions' .... in what way is temperature controlled vaping not an invention? .. it didn't exist before and EVOLV were the originators of it, right?

They invented 'replay' too, are you saying that nothing can be invented unless everything associated with it is invented at the same time?

so nobody invented the urethane skateboard wheel because urethane and skateboard wheels were invented already? ...... I think you are just redefining the meaning of 'invent'

In order to have invented something a patent must exist. How many patents do they hold? My guess is none. Somebody making a skateboard wheel out of a different material is not inventing something.

The ability to heat an electrical element to a given temperature was invented by James Prescott Joule in the 1840s, or Joule's First Law P = I2R. The integrated circuit or microchip wasn't really invented it was developed by a number of people. But I suppose that the father of the Central Processing Unit was Federico Faggin when working at Intel in 1971. The Electronic Cigarette was invented by a guy called Hon Lik in 2003. The ability to store and recall a specific event on inbuilt non-volatile flash memory was developed over decades by many people and companies.

What Evolv have done is taken existing technologies and developed a new product, but they have not invented anything.

Does that mean they only invented it in America?

It means the patent only exists in America. Because the electronic control of a electrical heating element was developed decades before, using science that was worked out in the 19th century.
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