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Do I need to rap batteries ?

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I make u right that's why I was asking cheers for reply ! Have same bats in my head torch as explained thought an extra wrapping was necessary :8: & wondered y
Which brand batteries are they though? They are something like Samsung, Sony, LG aren't they, and nothing like Ultrafire or XXXXXfire?

I have torches that use 18650's too, they are pulling a LOT less power than a mod will be, if they are cheap Chinese batteries it might be better to write them off, I know a fiver is a fiver but there is a real danger with cheap batteries.
I make u right that's why I was asking cheers for reply ! Have same bats in my head torch as explained thought an extra wrapping was necessary :8: & wondered y

Same batts in your head torch? Please tell us what make of battery you bought, I bet I'm not the only one getting a bad feeling about them.
Post up a pick of the batteries m8. You really don't want to throw in any old 18650 suitable for torches. Better to write off a couple of quid of unsuitable cells than your hand and teeth.
just tell us what the batteries are?? , if they're are "icr" chem something like samsung 26f , do not use those as they have a really low amp rating and icr batteries shouldn'y be used for vaping
Please do let us know the brand of the batteries, seeing as they was £5 with a charger I don't have a good feeling here. Please, please don't use them for vaping if they are cheap cells from an unkown brand.

Spend the extra few pounds on some good batteries, you can get HE4's or 25R's for about £4-5 each.
what batteries and char
So a vaping battery is defined & tested how not being funny am green to it & would likto know will find out make ect now @ worst I can use em in torch but I'm glad the wrap means nothing. Cause I paid extra @ fogstar the other day for some bats for my son 4 his smok obviously I did not need 2 ! ( as u can tell care about my sons face more than my own )
Am i as worried as everyone else here, my samsungs 30qs were 25 quid an She has spent a fiver. I bet they are efest for that price
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