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do pods taste better than rebuildable tanks or drippers?

The most obvious difference for me is the amount of vapour production you get from a good DTL RBA as against a pod device. Even though I know there are some fairly decent DTL pods available now I've not seen any that can produce as much vapour so that's where I think pods can't compete. Also anything where you've done the work to get your setup right is always going to taste better than a stock coil pod.
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All i use these days are Vaporesso mods with an Itank 2. I have found my sweet spot.
Pods are excellent for sticking in a pocket for out and about, but i wouldn't use one as my main device.
I like Wild Bill, even though I've never met him, nae farting aboot with poofy pods for him...a mans man that drinks in a man pub:D
I mean he doesnt drink

he does spend three hours a day every day … lifting heavy weights in the gym tho ..

so still a mans man
Which is not bad for someone very nearly old enough to have a bus pass
I've not used enough pods to say one way or the other but of the 2 I've tried the flavour wasn't up to it so gave up on them. I have a new one to try out which hopefully will get closer but I've only bought it as a vape for when I'm out and about for a while not an all day kit.

That said as long as you're happy with whatever you use it doesn't matter.
Stock coils have come on a long way, both for pods and tanks.

They're too pricey and don't last enough for me though, so I stick with rebuildables.
I am more into AIO's at the Minute, i have 10 Builds/Pods in my Rotation them being 2 RTA's, 2 Pods and the Rest are AIO's. It's True i do love the Luxe X Pro's but wouldn't say they were my best. The Arbiter Solo and the Ripley RTA's have to be my favourites, it's wierd because one day i can say the Solo and the next day it will be the Ripley. i have had both in my rotation since i bought them a few months ago and see no reason to swap them out, making my other RTA's redundant. It does come down to taste with me. If i have my favourite Liquid in an Ego and it vaped well enough, then that would be my favourite.
having used basically the same set up for 10 yrs i'm intrigued by people saying that pods taste better.
I haven`t tried them all, but the one that I bought as a convenient stop gap whilst out and about is a good vape but I am always glad to get home and back to my squonker and rda, a good juice will taste good which ever delivery method you choose.
Would call myself a hobbyist, my passion is for hardware in this game and I'll always love a rebuildable and prefer using them every single time, little pieces of art in my book :)


There are coils out in some pods now that give me just as good a flavour hit as my fav atty.

I will deny I ever typed this :p
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