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do you have a favorite cotton for wicking?

I'm a cotton junkie and buy every new cotton that comes along, and I wouldn't argue with you.

I have 4 that are outstanding - Kendo Gold, Shake and Vape, Angorabbit and Jellyfish.

I never heard of those ones (apart from Kendo).
I never heard of those ones (apart from Kendo).

S+V was pretty much the standard a couple of years ago, but the only place that sells it is Evo so it's not well known.

I've never seen the other 2 in the UK, I get them from FT.
I vape sweet juices so nothing lasts long for me anyhow

I do too. Still get about a week out of kendo.

S+V was pretty much the standard a couple of years ago, but the only place that sells it is Evo so it's not well known.

I've never seen the other 2 in the UK, I get them from FT.

I'm gonna try some of that swag stuff at some point.
They’re like muji pads @greenbrucelee but the labo puffs are organic. 200 for £4 delivered from amazon. I’m still only halfway down the bag I got more than two years ago.
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