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Do you need different liquids for cigalikes and mods?


Oct 15, 2013
I recently bought a Vamo and my wife has been on JACVapour cigalikes for a while. She is adamant that the VG/PG mix should be different for cigalikes and Ego style e-cigs. Is she right?

I'm looking at buying a few different liquids for my tanks and I'm telling her that she can use them in her carts for her JACVapour cigalike carts and she's telling me I'm wrong. Am I?

I've read the FAQs and all I can see is that the ratios have different effects, but I see nothing saying that one is for one and one is for another.
I recently bought a Vamo and my wife has been on JACVapour cigalikes for a while. She is adamant that the VG/PG mix should be different for cigalikes and Ego style e-cigs. Is she right?

I'm looking at buying a few different liquids for my tanks and I'm telling her that she can use them in her carts for her JACVapour cigalike carts and she's telling me I'm wrong. Am I?

I've read the FAQs and all I can see is that the ratios have different effects, but I see nothing saying that one is for one and one is for another.

Like all wives, she is insane ;) Thats my advice.
Seriously though, you shouldn't have issues, different devices can give different juices a different taste, but the only real issue with clearos is that if it is, say, 70% vg, or above, the juice may be too thick to wick quickly enough for your vaping habits.
Lol!! MT,
unfortunately, probably for the first time in your married life epic potato, (sorry mrs epic potato) your wife is incorrect .- On everything else she is of course absolutely spot on :8:
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what he said.

If you go much past a 50/50 ratio into a 30/70 PG/VG or a 100% VG then potentially you could have wicking problems which would lead to the cartridge in the cig-a-like not wicking enough liquid to the coil which would then burn the filler and render the cart dead.

Most juices are 70/30 or 60/40 PG/VG though and none of those will have a problem.

If she heard this info from the person selling her the cartridges and the liquids to go in the cartridges then it's marketing spiel.
woooahh wooiahhh lol. unless i'm mistaken, the wife believes a different device requires a different liquid lol.
this in incorrect. the juice goes into any device regardless. now everyone is correct, the ratio of the juice plays a part, but that is another topic lol. so any device takes any juice, but the cheaper stuff doesn't like heavy vg juice. lets get used to vaping before we go technical lol.

Thanks for all of the replies :) I suspected as much. I guess we'll share liquid then.

Thanks again.

Thanks for all of the replies :) I suspected as much. I guess we'll share liquid then.

Thanks again.

Just a word of caution on how you tell your wife the good news. Whilst being a rare event and in need of emphasising, the dancing around shouting "I was right, you were wrong!" technique may result in loss of dinner and other activities close to your heart!!!!
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