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domino box mod squonker


Jul 9, 2014
since i bought the smokeless owl squonker and found out how pants it is i decided to make my own squonker. so i bought another domino box and turned it into a squonker box right now iam using the owl tank as iam waiting on a new pin for my derringer v2 so i can use that instead and the box isn`t completely finished yet i still have to shorten it abit as its abit too long but for now it works really good.


nice build what are you using for your 510 connector thinking of doing a squonker my self well its on the build list lol
are the domino's you getting made of wood if they are have you tried gluing them together to make another box
nice build what are you using for your 510 connector thinking of doing a squonker my self well its on the build list lol
are the domino's you getting made of wood if they are have you tried gluing them together to make another box

thanks. the 510 is the fat daddy vapes v4 low profile from mod maker along the with the squonking centre pin for the v4 low also from mod maker as for the domino`s they are wood with a plastic like coating ontop and no i havent tried gluing them together yet but its a good idea i may try it soon.

heres the 510 and squonk pin you can get other ones from there but i needed that squonk pin

Fat Daddy Vapes 510 v4 Low Profile Connector (22mm Cap)

Fat Daddy Vapes 510 v4 Bottom Feeder Replacement Core
Nice use of the box. However, what's that switch rated at? If it's this one from Stealthvape, then I'd be wanting to put a MOSFET in there as you could end up hard shorting the switch as it's not rated for the Amps that an 18650 will be putting through it.
Nice use of the box. However, what's that switch rated at? If it's this one from Stealthvape, then I'd be wanting to put a MOSFET in there as you could end up hard shorting the switch as it's not rated for the Amps that an 18650 will be putting through it.

it has a 3034 195a mosfet up the top under the 510 so no worrys for the switch going pop
alittle size comparison with a mvp3 in the middle sx350 mod on the right

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