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Don't drip and drive !


Feb 19, 2014
I have been happily vaping with tanks for a while ,in pubs at work and in the car. Recently I've got into rda's and have done a few builds not cloud chasing but with a decent vapor output,a few days ago I nearly s**t myself driving to work as I toked on my rda and was engulfed in plume of cloud unlike it had ever produced before completely obscuring the road I'm not sure if it was a one off hit or some reaction by the coldness inside the car all ended well but thought I'd better share ,happy vaping
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I've also done this, I often wonder what the car in front must think, looking back and seeing my car filling with a cloud of vapour...
Saw a piece on Facebook earlier stating some poor sod had been ticketed in New York for vaping whilst driving,as the plod decided it was a banned article under the "usage of electronic items..." which are supposed to be for usage of electronic devices like mobile phones/iPads etc.
It's not just the clouds of rda's, dripping more liquid into the dripper whilst driving it difficult and learning from past mistakes I wouldn't advise it.
i didn't have an accident but I did drop the bottle between my legs causing a rather damp sticky patch in an unfortunate area!
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