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Dovpo pioneer flooding

Really dont understand how people are getting problems with the pioneer. I have 4 now and just whack a contact coil in, put cotton in and pat it down so its low to deck and never had one leak. If i had to bottom fill one i wouldnt bother using it. Mission tonight- try and get one to flood for the hell of it.
Really dont understand how people are getting problems with the pioneer. I have 4 now and just whack a contact coil in, put cotton in and pat it down so its low to deck and never had one leak. If i had to bottom fill one i wouldnt bother using it. Mission tonight- try and get one to flood for the hell of it.
It's been rare that I've had that problem. I find that as long as it's got just the right amount of cotton in there, you're sound.

Hang on.... You're top filling it with no issues? I think I've just got into the habit of bottom feeding it. I'll change that routine next time I'm using it.
For what it's worth, just done a build on it. Perfect, mate....
i see the chamber is threaded at the bottom. can you close of the liquid flow?
I'm getting flashbacks of how bad this tank was, LOL
That’s it I’m sending it back I have tried everything! 4 hears building and never in issue this must be faulty. Thanks every one I’ll stick to the kayfun!
I've just filled the tank up on mine and did it from the top. Guess what.... It's flooded the deck.
I've just filled the tank up on mine and did it from the top. Guess what.... It's flooded the deck.

if you want to avoid flooding and gurgling the best way is to get tanks that are meant to be
filled from the bottom. easy.
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