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Drakeford‘s Sales Ban

Socialism and communism are not the same thing.
Well his regional assembly is ideologically socialist but they are using the tactics of communist parties for example gagging the NHS in wales making it illegal to give unauthorised interviews therefore stifling potential whistleblowers and trying to control what residents can or cannot purchase in shops and where they can go and who with.
What I want for myself and the people I love is less centralisation and less control over our lives by centralised government and the movement of power and money into a global digital technocracy which controls all currency digitally and puts conditions on freedom of movement.

You can still take the best of socialist ideals by providing a national health service free to all and a generous welfare system which protects the unemployed and sick.
What links the two is marxism so you'll never be able to separate the two completely.

So take away the mass testing and the hysteria and the truth appears. That hardly anyone in wales is sick and the number of hospital admissions and excess deaths is below normal for this time of year. Peoples businesses and jobs are being destroyed with many never to reopen and a government is putting more and more restrictions on how people can go about their daily lives.
I'm not ok with that.
a generous welfare system which protects the unemployed and sick.

Well, Universal Credit and generous aren't on the same page for sure, neither is PIP, the replacement for DLA.

Peoples businesses and jobs are being destroyed with many never to reopen and a government is putting more and more restrictions on how people can go about their daily lives.
I'm not ok with that.

Totally agree, it's a set up.
Well, Universal Credit and generous aren't on the same page for sure, neither is PIP, the replacement for DLA.

Totally agree, it's a set up.
I tell you mate, I was on carers allowance for quite a few years as my parents both developed terminal illnesses at the same time. By the end my physical and mental health was shot and those bastards almost harassed me to death with interviews etc as I was already on sickness benefit recovering from cancer.

I think we are in a bad place politically I really do. A rampant conservative party systematically destroy the lives of the sick disabled and unemployed over many years and they get voted back in with a majority because nobody can bring themselves to vote for woke labour lol. If they can distance themselves from the loudmouth twitter brigade where everything is offensive and racist they have a chance. Trouble is if keir starmer gets voted in the usual suspects will be straight on his back calling him tony blair 2 and it all starts again.
The labour party really needs to sort itself out or we will end up with nationalist populism like America :(
whilst clicking about last night I read an article about this wales situation with undertones of conspiracy (i love conspiracies) but the article which this morning I can't find....gave reference to the bombing of Coventry in ww2 when Churchill knew it was going to happen but for the greater good to sacrifice the city so the other cities are untouched etc

this wales lockdown it pointed out it could be a dress rehearsal for a bigger lockdown to come for all of England but I don't know every day the news is crazier than before the most factual thing I'm watching now is Johnathan pie and he's completely made up
I think we are in a bad place politically I really do

We're in a bad place full stop, I don't think the politicians can or will solve this, people have to, just like people and businesses are going to feed the children who need food over the half term break. The Tories handed out meal vouchers to all and sundry during August but are prepared to let kids go hungry during the school break, no wonder I hate the chunts.
Strikes me that the tactics of stifling free speech and free movement are features of both extreme left and extreme right, it's only communism if it suits your reds under the bed argument. It's amusing that one person labels Drakeford a Marxist whilst another dresses him up as a Fascist.

Fuckwittery can be called out for what it is.
Yep. Ineptitude and blinkered thinking operates at both ends of the spectrum. I give it a couple of days until the rest of the Assembly force Drakeford into a U-turn.

Dont know what to say about this bellend.. Is it tesco's /tesco's staffs fault?

I'm not in favour of Hier Drakesfords rulings. But this Facebook warrior is surely on a" like me like me" drive:28:
They'll have had pressure from the shops that have had to close that sell these things and tbh who can blame them.
It can't be one rule for one and another rule for the rest.
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