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Government considering outdoor smoking ban

They've no idea how to sort out the NHS or much else by the sound of it after; Eeyore's 'things will only get worse' mantra, the £22b black hole in the public finances , huge public sector pay rises and no more winter fuel allowance for pensioners but hey ho let's just have another smoking related ban that'll do nothing but make life even worse for pubs.
Eeyore's 'things will only get worse' mantra...
And after years of Labour criticising the Tories for austerity...

.. but hey ho let's just have another smoking related ban that'll do nothing but make life even worse for pubs.
.. and life even worse for peeps that just want a touch of blessed relief from their miserable lives down the pub with a drink and a fag (or vape)...
This is just another example of Starmer's intentions ( A POLICE STATE !! )Ruled by a dictator trying to show his supremacy next we will be expected to raise your right arm in a salute and shout "SIEG HEIL" !!


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So after all the skint pubs have invested in garden furniture / heaters etc they now want smokers and vapers to go and stand out on the street and blow smoke over everyone that passes by.
Absolute joke
So after all the skint pubs have invested in garden furniture / heaters etc they now want smokers and vapers to go and stand out on the street and blow smoke over everyone that passes by.
Absolute joke
There is speculation that pavements directly outside certain establishments like restaurants and pubs would be included in the ban.
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