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I can't believe I've seen this...

In one of the linked articles it clearly states that e-cigs contain no tobacco, yet they have been regulated as a fucking tobacco product! That's about as much sense as saying that black is actually fucking white.

posted by an unauthorised idiot :P
In one of the linked articles it clearly states that e-cigs contain no tobacco, yet they have been regulated as a fucking tobacco product! That's about as much sense as saying that black is actually fucking white.

posted by an unauthorised idiot :P

You`re expecting sense?!

Come on mate, you know better than that, they don`t do common sense :banghead:
In one of the linked articles it clearly states that e-cigs contain no tobacco, yet they have been regulated as a fucking tobacco product! That's about as much sense as saying that black is actually fucking white.

posted by an unauthorised idiot :P

By that logic wine glasses should be moderated and bongs should be illegal. The government are so openly dodgy with this ecig shit its almost laughable, i hope an uproar comes there way if they ever implement this crap

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I`m glad you mentioned Cigarette related house fires as it never gets mentioned in comparison to fire caused by faulty batteries.
Last time I checked lit Cigarettes were the 2nd biggest cause of house fires, just behind electrical/wiring faults.

About 14 years ago the house next door to me (not attached thank fuck) burned down because the woman fell asleep with a fag in her hand. The husband survived but she burned to death. Probably didn't help the pair of them were alcoholics and she passed out with a fag on by all accounts.
surveys are always strongly influenced by the way they're presented - like the piece on the One Show that had a GP warn of the risks of passive inhalation of nicotine (which poses no risk) before inviting viewers to vote on whether ecigs should be banned in public places. Unsurprisingly, the vote went against vapers, but other more balanced surveys have produced much more positive results

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surveys are always strongly influenced by the way they're presented - like the piece on the One Show that had a GP warn of the risks of passive inhalation of nicotine (which poses no risk) before inviting viewers to vote on whether ecigs should be banned in public places. Unsurprisingly, the vote went against vapers, but other more balanced surveys have produced much more positive results

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

You also have to look at who had commissioned/undertaken the survey and wether they have their own agenda.

With selective studies and massaging the figures you can "prove" any point you want to with surveys.

Without seeing all the criteria the headline figure of almost any survey is as good as meaningless.
You also have to look at who had commissioned/undertaken the survey and wether they have their own agenda.

With selective studies and massaging the figures you can "prove" any point you want to with surveys.

Without seeing all the criteria the headline figure of almost any survey is as good as meaningless.

Quite. Was it a straight yes/no question, in which case we could assume that 60% of GPs voted not to regulate as medicines

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40% of how many though?

They won`t have asked every single GP in the country.

Without know the sample size the 40% figure is a bit misleading and, even if it is stated I`d be willing to bet the number of GP`s actually questioned by this survey is a pretty small number of the total.

Reading the article it appears they had a very brief chat with just one doctor and got the rest from a doctors website (doctors.net.uk)

I'm actually assuming they made up the 40% figure or Dr James Quekett did, my guess is they'd have liked to have put it over 50% but then the doctors themselves may have stood up and said hang on, this isn't what I'm seeing.

Either way, all these articles have one thing in mind and that's to convince non smokers and/or vapers that it's bad for you and to convince cigarette smokers to remain smokers.
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I actually think e-liquids SHOULD be regulated. But not as medicines.

After all, would you drink unregulated alcohol or cigs? I don't think you would.

At the moment we rely on word of mouth and forums like this to know which vendors are legit. I think it would be much better if we could just buy from almost anywhere and just know your not buying total shite that might actual poison you.
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