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Dropbox 160 advice needed


Jul 15, 2016
Hi apes

My Dripbox 160 isn't registering the correct resistance for the coils in the atty. on my ohms meter the build come out at 0.45 but it's showing up as 0.34 on my Dripbox.

I've screwed the atty onto three other mods and they all register either 0.45 or 0.46.

Anybody know what the problem is with the Dripbox??? Shouldn't it ask me if it's a new coil when I screw it on???

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Have you tried firing the Dripbox without the atty on it @Clifford_vapes? That should make it "forget" the old resistance if it won't recognise the new coil correctly.
I've got two mods which I have to do exactly what @cindy99 says. If I unscrew a tank and put another one on it still registers the first tanks coil. I need to take tank off, hit fire button to make it say "check atomiser " and put new tank on. Then press the fire button and it asks if it's a new coil. Answer yes.
As above.
A lot of the none DNA/Yihi chips remember the last coil you've used even when you put on a new atty. Par for the course with them I'm afraid.
Just get in the habit of hitting the fire button briefly when you take off your old atty and plan on changing it.
If the Dripbox still persists on reading the resistance wrong check there aren't any obstructions in the 510 in the first instance. Juice/fluff/gunk in very small amounts will all throw off your readings.
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