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DUD Genesis help!


Mar 2, 2013
Hi all,
I know this isn't exactly a 'new user' friendly RBA, however, I'd grown sick of always having to buy new coils for my vivi nova as I didn't realise they were rebuildable.
I've tried SO many times to get it working, with no success.
I had it going for about 3 minutes use, then shorted out once more and resistance dropped too 0.8 from 1.6. No matter what I do, I can't change it!
So, now need some new mesh and some new wire.
Anyone had experience with TheMeshCompany and their wire/mesh? Looking at 400 mesh, but no idea what wire to get (I like around 2.2ohms on the Nova)

The mesh company mesh is one of the cheapest (especially as they normally do buy one get one free) but it is quite hard to work with and the wicks aren't very nice. I'd get the stuff KulrMeStoopid linked to. I'm using it at the moment and it made the world of difference. Lovely clean mesh!
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