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E-cigarettes 'as effective' as nicotine patches

It is also allowing peeps to give their own experience of e-cigs so maybe worthwhile adding your thoughts at the end of the article.
I am willing to bet that those tests are skewed by using cigalikes and would improve to the sorts of success rates we all know about on the forums with more effective devices

I mean " has led to speculation that they may be a useful tool for people trying to quit"

Come on. Speak to fecking VAPERS
It's not that often that vapers get the chance to put their case forward on such a widely viewed website.

Take the opportunity to post any positive comments you wish and also to vote down the small minded idiots while you can... I have. ;)
D r Gilbert Ross appears to agree with me in this report of said study

ACSH’s Dr. Gilbert Ross had this comment: “While this study certainly shows that e-cigarettes, or ‘vaping,’ are at least equivalent to NRT patches which are stubbornly touted by the authorities for quitting. I must point out that the 13-week study period is completely foreign to the usual use of e-cigarettes when replacing smoking. Smokers don’t use e-cigarettes for a few weeks or months to remain smoke-free; they stay on them long-term, and I strongly believe that if this study was aimed at that type of cessation behavior, the results would have been much more decisive. Hopefully that study is being done now, perhaps in multiple centers.”

Have posted a few times
I have had a few goes.....................
Quote:421. Dave H
I am a 40 years plus 25 a day ex smoker (4 months), tried everything to quit - patches, gum, mind bending drugs everything. Then tried ecigs (Not the look alikes!) and have never touched a cigarette since.
These should be subsidised by the government not taxed out of existence!​
Got rated up +8 times at the moment .....
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