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E-cigarettes banned at Blackburn College




ELECTRONIC cigarettes have been banned from Blackburn College.
A national no-smoking ban came into force in July 2007, but the use of electronic cigarettes – largely used by people trying to quit – falls outside the legislation.
E-cigarettes are battery-powered products that typically look like real cigarettes. Each e-cigarette contains a cartridge of liquid nicotine which turns the nicotine, flavour and other chemicals into a vapour that is inhaled by the user.
However, individual companies have the power to determine whether or not they allow them to be used in their business.

Derek Heap, deputy director of estates at Blackburn College: “The use of electronic cigarettes on our campus was carefully considered and debated by the college leadership team.
“The approach agreed on aims to avoid confusion between electronic cigarettes and tobacco smoking, by providing a consistent message that smoking or ‘perceived smoking’ is unacceptable in these locations.
“This also supports and reinforces the actions of staff adhering to the college smoke-free policy and reminding tobacco smokers to move away from entrances and exits and use the designated shelters.”
This approach is becoming fairly common now unfortunately.
Some people have a hard time separating smoking from vaping i'm guessing from lack of knowledge which is a real shame
I don't think it's lack of knowledge so much. Often these announcements are accompanied by an admission or acceptance that its not that they consider them a health risk per se. It's more to do with perceptions of others, risk of causing disturbance, confusion, complaints from non smokers (who think it may be harmful) and smokers ( annoyed they can't light up ) etc. The court service has made a very similar announcement recently.

interestingly my local NHS hospital has reversed a rule prohibiting smoking outside the hospital. There were a few incidents of emotional upset people who had gone through the trauma of visiting tragically ill relatives being told they couldn't even smoke in their own cars on hospital grounds. It's now costing them (well us I guess) money to construct smoking shelters that they had demolished. Funny world.
I 'perceive' this to be a bullshit excuse by anti smoking zealots.

While I agree with you in essence, unfortunately this "war" is not going to be won with a hammer.

For people to understand and accept vaping for what it is, they need educating .. and thats gonna mean patience and educated explanation on our part.

We must remember that we choose to vape, and as such it is upto us to make it become socially acceptable via reasonable means and education. its not, as much as we would like it to be otherwise, up to other people to just suck it up and put up. For a start a lot of people dont even know what we are doing. Most people I have explained too are fine ONCE they realise I am not smoking or taking drugs. we have to admit .. some of the devices we use DO look a bit iffy to the uninitiated.
This approach is becoming fairly common now unfortunately.

Yes. A lot of people who want to ban ecigs (like the Scottish Hospital who branded them a fire risk) have had their arguments refuted. This 'by association' ban has yet to be ridiculed (hard to see how a tube mod with a tank on it looks like a fag). Doubtless the ridicule will come and be in the public domain with a newspaper publishing photos of the enormous IMotion with a pink glass Siam Tank on top complete with a skull drip tip (or similar). The banners will then claim it unfair to ban one form of vaping (look-alikes) without others (mods) etc etc etc. Some of these arseholes are anti-tobacco anti nicotine anti pleasure anti joy in any form. They do not heed the harm reduction gurus or common sense.
And some people are just anti everything, no matter what you do there will always be a minority who want to object, if we all stopped Vaping and started eating carrot sticks there would be a group who would come out the woodwork and denounce the eating of carrots in public.

Some people want to make a name of themselves and without understanding the full facts will object vigorously to anything they do not understand.
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