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E-cigarettes spark fiery debate over safety, more




People who smoke electronic cigarettes often don't think of it as smoking at all — the preferred term is "vaping," a reference to the small, battery-operated devices that heat nicotine into a vapor that's inhaled.
The gadgets, which have been on the market for four years, mimic the look of cigarettes, but because they contain no tobacco and far fewer chemicals are widely seen as safer. Yet as prices drop and more people are using them to quit smoking or circumvent smoke-free laws, new studies are questioning their use. Researchers say they may addict kids to nicotine or irritate bystanders with their vapor, but the industry says they do far more good than harm.
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contamination can occur with propylene glycol, which is used in a variety of products including inhalers and as an antifreeze.
Cleverly worded to add to the antifreeze scare tactic. It can be used as an antifreeze but ethylene glycol is the common product which is the poisonous antifreeze. Nice attempt to confuse the two.
Yeah, i wasn't too fond of the non clarification of that point as well. pg can be used as an antifreeze but is less effective than the more common ethylene, which is also the poisonous one.
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