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E-cigs vs tobacco cigs


Nov 15, 2012
"I had asthma, bronchitis, emphysema. I was on four medications. A year after quitting smoking and starting vaping, I'm off all my lung medications”…. Says Greg Hohimer , an e-cig user. Users of e-cigs say that e-cigs are much safer and less harmful compared to tobacco cigs and it really help to quit tobacco addiction. On the other hand, critics are of the opinion that more researches are necessary to know about the safety of e-cigs in the long run. Amidst all this, those of us who have switched to e-cigs know that we are not hurting our lungs like we use to with tobacco. And many of the vaporers are also feeling the same if we go by the sales of e-cigs! Read here: http://www.ksdk.com/news/article/378118/3/Electronic-cigarette-health-risks-and-benefits
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