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ECig fire "reports"

Another day and someone kindly posts another picture of an eGo battery that has caught fire onto my Facebook saying "watch out"! The comments underneath were laughable such as "You'd be better off smoking" and "Ecigs should be banned" etc.

This is starting to get on my tits. How many people die from fires caused by smoking or even the effects caused by smoking? It's like nothing ever plugged into an electrical socket has ever caught fire.

It usually turns out that it is a dodgy cheap battery or they have been charging incorrectly anyway.

Am I the only one getting wound up or am I in a particularly touchy mood today?

Simply reply with the image: Another kitchen accident, and the words "You'd be better off buying a home delivery" ;)
Simply reply with the image: Another kitchen accident, and the words "You'd be better off buying a home delivery" ;)
Oh, and smoking is the single biggest cause of illness and premature death in the UK, so there's that. Grrrrr. Vape on, my darlings, vape on.
I saw a similar post on Facebook too. The one I saw just doesn't make sense. Two pictures were posted, one of the damage caused and a second photo was of a cig-a-like battery and some burnt remains of something. Surely if it caught fire the battery would be damaged!? But no, it was in perfect condition with not a single bit of fire damage!

Just went back to fb to grab the pictures but one pic has gone. 1384439635508.jpg

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Google "mobile phone battery explosion". Yep, lithium ion batteries aren't danger-free, and I'd encourage everyone to get one of those charger bag thingies. But for someone to suggest that actual fire is less risky... Grrr....

(Not directed at you, Grump - I'm just having a mardy)
Deaths from fires and burns are the third leading cause of fatal home injury (Runyan 2004)

Smoking is the leading cause of fire-related deaths (Ahrens 2011)

A couple of things annoyed me recently with regard to all these "pop up" sellers that seem to have appeared all of a sudden. I recently took a trip to Yorkshire to visit family, my OH and I went into Rotherham/Barnsley and were amazed to see the number of sellers who have little kiosks etc on the street selling all manner of e-cigs and juices etc. I was looking for a usb pass through at the time and juices and an adaptor. Anyway, long story short, every single one did not have a clue what I was talking about, this led me to listen to convo's they were having with other interested customers and it was clear they were just trying to punt as much gear without even knowing what they were selling....one seller even asked me if a Usb pass through was a liquid?????? On another note, my daughter who attends college in Inverness told me that kids as young as 13/14 are walking around with cig a likes, not just one or two kids she says they are all at it.....this I feel could have some serious rpercussions for the people that are conscious of the law and vapers who know what they are doing.....Education is definitely the key in my opinion.
It's difficult that's what this is. How do we voluntarily request council or government assistance positively to prevent these twatfaces selling dodgy gear without seriously affecting our supply of quality products?
Same goes with liquid, I dont want to see or hear of 13/14 year old picking up ecigs because it's cool but sold by dodgy marketeers.

I did notice the other day this is also picking up steam in the great propaganda engine. I saw 2 videos posted about ego
explosions in trucks. Both were the same story, left charging while shopping but at reported locations 2k miles apart however funny thing was it was the same people, same truck and same fire damage, so did it happen twice, or just bs.

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I've seen a lot of 'shisha pens' being sold in 7/11s around the place very cheaply as well. Freind of mine bought a set in an 'Ego' case. The carto split on him almost instantly and he got pissed off and went back to analogue, which was a shame given the amount he smokes. Bad quality doesn't encourage people. I shall try again with gentle influence when I next see him. Shiny stuff that's well made was the thing that made me take the leap into vaping.
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