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ECigs in the TPD Voted Today and this is what happened!

Could you imagine how bad it would be if we didn't live in a Democracy?!
I hope and prey that someone the likes of Macavan doesn't start spouting her shit and gets the backing of some useless doctor or professor to say that our gear is unsafe.
The way our government is at the moment, it wouldn't surprise me, the screws need to be turned tighter now!
Why dont we create something like 1 petition instead of 10 000 where every single vaper would sign it?
lets unite atleast for once
clone or genuine stuff lovers
high nicotine and low nicotine users
Simple ego,or mod and atty users
if we dont unite now,very soon it will be too late.Put the differnces aside and spread the petition across all the forums around the world.
surely we can pick up few million signatures in no time,but when those votes are spreaded all over the bloody place,we will NOT be heard
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