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EFest batteries

OMG Thats funny....
It was my wife that brought the clearo/ego kits home 4 years ago after we saw some people puffing on a silver stick thingy at a bike show then we asked a few questions. I do all the maintaining and building, all she does is fill her atty with juice, change batts and when she asks me to try her vape then I know its burnt so its replacement time. I was revamping clearo coils within the first month then began rebuilding shortly after that, she has never touched or replaced a coil nor have I heard a single complaint about leaking or dry hits.
I really need to start building my own coils. I'm spending a small fortune on stock ones for three different tanks ! I'm thinking about getting the bit for my cleito exo and practicing on that for a while whilst I pick up bits & bobs For building.
I really need to start building my own coils.

Just don't let rebuilding intimidate you. I started by revamping the old clearo coils that looked like a jumbled pile of coil wraps to look like in the vids I watched. Researched a bit then bought some 32 and 30 gauge kanthal and silica rope....success with clearos that kicked ass compared to the stock heads. Then bought ekowool and clearos with ekowool.. another success. More research led me to there is much better out there than clearos so bought protanks and began to rebuild with ekowool. Cotton was becoming a craze so pulled off a Qtip swab, rewicked a brand new PT head with the qtip...OMFG, eyes rolled back, great vape, ditched the ekowool. Cotton was great but rewick every other day became hassle so found hemp fiber and more robust so used hemp for 2 years of PT vaping.
Getting better at building and the building PT's with their restricted build area, I wanted more so bought Kayfuns. Bought more gauges of wire and loved the new more versatile build ability but my wife still on the PT's.
Rayon now up and coming wick material so I went to the hairdressers in town and found one that gave me a few feet....again OMFG vape nirvana. ditched all other materials.
Got tired of refilling protanks constantly, got subtank mini's using the RBA and rayon for 2 years now they still atty of choice.
Within the last several months I won a contest and received several spools of geekvape wire, mostly stainless steel and different claptons. I was building kanthal and doing a mighty fine job so I saw no need for other wire types....I was wrong, SS in TC mode is another level of vape nirvana. Bought piles of SS wire and now 90% of my building is with stainless in TC.
If you do decide to get into claptons then use 34 or 36 or higher gauge wire as wraps, less toll on the batts ramping the thinner wire. The 32 gauge takes too much power, too long to heat up and cool as clapton wraps. The mod registers the core wire and the wraps just transfer heat.
My only real expense to get started with rebuilding was buying a magnifying light that plugged into the wall cause my old eyes needed the extra help.
Good shopping list for wire is
-26 gauge both SS and kanthal
-28 gauge both SS and kanthal
-maybe 24 but I don't subohm low enough to use it enough.
-maybe 30 gauge kanthal but I don't use it very much anymore
-34, 36,38 and/or higher gauges up to 46 SS and kanthal(or all of them) if your going into multiwire building...you will sooner or later.
My most used wires are 28 both SS and kanthal with 34 as wrap wire. I will buy 36 and 38 one day when I begin to run out of the 34 gauge. I also have 34 nickle but that too I don't use very much.
I left my battery's in a hotel room and had to use the efest's and a day later there still half charged using at 55 watts ! I'm impressed I must say , I can't tell the diff between them and my Sony vtc6's lol
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