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Ego c twist - problems getting up and running out of the box


Jun 11, 2013
Hi all.

My Ego c twist arrive the other day. This is the item


I'm struggling to get this going. I know I'm managing to get the thing turned on properly as I'm at least getting a very tiny amount of vapour on the first inhale but then...nada. I only got one very small amount of vapour after turning the thing off and on again and then no vapour at all. Whats' going on?

Any suggestions welcome.

Hi smoker, What voltage do you have it set at? Do you have a multimeter to check the power output?

No vapour could be many things, high PG in your e-liquid, bad connection between tank and battery or your tank causing issues...
That's why I suggest a multimeter...
have you charged it?

Also, that plug thing, dont use it in your PC USB ports, if you have a USB-wall adapter plug it into that to charge...
Turned the voltage right up in the hope that would help. Also tried it turned right down and various increments but no joy.

I dont think I have a multimeter although I guess I could buy one.
Have charged it for a while on my PC, the led is green so should be good to go.

I do have a wall charger so have put that on just now & will check back in a while & try again

Thing is the light is green, I'm not going to damage the battery by over charging here am I?
Thing is the light is green, I'm not going to damage the battery by over charging here am I?

The egos have electronics inside it that prevent it...

My guess is, either your coil isnt wet or its TOO wet, both of which can cause flavour, no vape type draws,

Get some kitchen roll and wrap the CE (the thing with the juice inside it) and give it a good blow through your mouth peice.

If you try it again and still no vape/flavour, open it up, place 1 drop or two directly into the little hole (under that hole is where the coil is that heats up the e-liquid) give it a gentle blow, put the cap back on, and try again.

If that fails, it could be a duff CE
If you have plugged it into the wall charger and it is green then it should be fully charged :)

Are you using you own tanks/clearo's on it or the one supplied?
Right, Smoker, the first thing to say really, is Ebay is not the wisest of places to purchase vaping related material, and looking at the guys feedback etc, I would question the motives, and there are plenty of awesome vendors out there, that are both vapers themselves and give amazing customer service.

The CE4 that contains the juice, has short wicks looking at the picture, so let the liquid soak, shake and then try again. If you turn the voltage to maximum does this make the taste different??

Also when you press the button, put the CE4 upto your ear, can you hear anything??

On a side note, the liquid you received is it 0 nic??
Thanks to one and all for your comments and help here.

Turns out I was making a school boy error all along.

I didnt intuitively realise, as perhaps most do, that its necessary to push the button as you inhale...otherwise you get zero vapour.

I am now vaping away merrily.

I guess its like buying a car, not being able to get it to drive and then complaining the seller didnt point out the need to put it in gear...doh... and I'm suitably embarrassed. But I'm sorted now and enjoying a good vape in on my own. Cheers all :58:
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