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Review EHPro Big Bear RDTA

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Wow that was a long read! I'm just catching up after a busy week reworking the POTV shop and building some new bits for the site.

After wading through that lot I feel a bit like @9668harry , a tad dirty and depressed. The main aim of POTV since it's inception all the way back in 2012 was to create a community where everyone from the smoker looking at vaping to the wizened old veteran could feel enlightened, informed and safe from ridicule.

What we've got here is one of those moments that completely split opinion, in fact, I can feel a split personality disorder coming on just thinking about it (you know it's bad when @junglist pulls out his Indecisive Dave video!).

I think @junglist pretty much hit the nail on the head with his (excellent) post and I'm sad to see that @Victor1st has taken the comments as outright criticism rather than an open discussion with feedback to participate more if he wants the respect and supportof the community. I feel this would have gone over better in it's own thread but it's done now so never mind. Personally, I'm not worried about any kind of remuneration from reviewers, many of them do a great job at keeping the community interested in new vape gear and act as a catalyst for innovation in the market, plus the occasional shout-out in a video is always great.

Somebody suggested giving YT reviewers their own section on the site and I think this idea has legs. I'll have a discussion with @junglist and the moderators (not quite a punk band but maybe easy listening jazz and/or lift music) and we'll see what can be done. It's a really tricky one IMO and I love the cosmopolitan feel of the forum with so many different points of view and ideas but occasionally an issue like this will rear its ugly head and it's our job to try and create a fair and workable solution.

Watch this space!


P.S. For the love of... won't someone just give @godofporn a reach around already?! Poor chap...
Wow that was a long read! I'm just catching up after a busy week reworking the POTV shop and building some new bits for the site.

After wading through that lot I feel a bit like @9668harry , a tad dirty and depressed. The main aim of POTV since it's inception all the way back in 2012 was to create a community where everyone from the smoker looking at vaping to the wizened old veteran could feel enlightened, informed and safe from ridicule.

What we've got here is one of those moments that completely split opinion, in fact, I can feel a split personality disorder coming on just thinking about it (you know it's bad when @junglist pulls out his Indecisive Dave video!).

I think @junglist pretty much hit the nail on the head with his (excellent) post and I'm sad to see that @Victor1st has taken the comments as outright criticism rather than an open discussion with feedback to participate more if he wants the respect and supportof the community. I feel this would have gone over better in it's own thread but it's done now so never mind. Personally, I'm not worried about any kind of remuneration from reviewers, many of them do a great job at keeping the community interested in new vape gear and act as a catalyst for innovation in the market, plus the occasional shout-out in a video is always great.

Somebody suggested giving YT reviewers their own section on the site and I think this idea has legs. I'll have a discussion with @junglist and the moderators (not quite a punk band but maybe easy listening jazz and/or lift music) and we'll see what can be done. It's a really tricky one IMO and I love the cosmopolitan feel of the forum with so many different points of view and ideas but occasionally an issue like this will rear it's ugly head and we'll need to try and create a fair and workable solution.

Watch this space!


P.S. For the love of... won't someone just give @godofporn a reach around already?! Poor chap...

What's this reach around everyone is talking about

Just google fu'ed it

You dirty bastids
The get along gang strike again! Pathetic [emoji216]
The get along gang? Mate, we have a fight club but either you didn't know that because nobody speaks about it or you were too much of a pussy to join.
Seriously though, slightly inflammatory comment?

Like I said in my post, we're working toward a solution. The comments on here have been really helpful and there's been some great ideas which all helps.

Tell me, I'm interested, what would you do? How would you solve this little puzzle?
The get along gang? Mate, we have a fight club but either you didn't know that because nobody speaks about it or you were too much of a pussy to join.
Seriously though, slightly inflammatory comment?

Like I said in my post, we're working toward a solution. The comments on here have been really helpful and there's been some great ideas which all helps.

Tell me, I'm interested, what would you do? How would you solve this little puzzle?

I'm not here to solve anything just don't like to see people getting bullied by the same few members,why hijack vics thread to discuss this issue ? What has it achieved apart from upsetting the man, sorry I don't agree with the way this was handled i think it's more a dig at him personally rather than reviewers posting on potv.also I glad that I'm a pussy rather then be part of this, safety in numbers sounds about right sat behind their keyboards
why hijack vics thread to discuss this issue ? What has it achieved apart from upsetting the man, sorry I don't agree with the way this was handled i think it's more a dig at him personally rather than reviewers posting on potv
You have a point, the same one I mentioned above in fact
I feel this would have gone over better in it's own thread
Well, I guess this thread has served its purpose if Vic has left the board. It leaves a very sour taste in my mouth, as it feels like he's been bullied into leaving.
I hope the thread at least leads to a more agreeable way of YT reviewers posting their vids on here.
I've just found this thread, but only because I noticed the high post count for a Vic thread.

I've managed a whole packet of popcorn reading it.
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